Delivering Better Oral Health
Delivering Better Oral Health was first envisioned in 2005 when the Department of Health commissioned the BASCD to create a guidance document for its previously published ‘Choosing better oral health: an oral health plan for England’ which was published that same year.
The first edition published in 2007 was well received and has most recently published its fourth edition in 2014 (last updated November 2021). Prevention of dental disease is a critical component of dental public health. Delivering Better Oral Health is a critical component of the toolkit in preventing dental disease in the UK. Prevention of tooth decay, gum disease, tooth wear and oral cancer are the main components of prevention. Behaviour change across the population regarding oral health behaviour is a key driver of the framework. Toolkits are available online see link below for full publication.
A (quick guide) to Delivering Better Oral Health (DOBH):
Improvement of UK dental public health and prevention of primary dental disease in the UK population.