The newly established CDDU ethos is to harmonise all methods used within the labs for the processing of clinical samples. This way of working will aid comparisons between patient samples and datasets and underpin interdisciplinary biomedical and health research, as well as biomarker discovery/analysis across different disease pathways.
We are built on our work during the pandemic (KCL TEST) which achieved UKAS accreditation (ISO 15189). The CDDU services include processing of respiratory samples (sputum, nasal swabs, bronchoalveolar lavage, biopsies), blood (e.g. PBMCs, flow cytometry, CyTOF), Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry, spatial profiling, cytokine/chemokine profiling, molecular assays, pathogen work, cell culture models (e.g. ALI).
The CDDU can develop bespoke in vitro disease models for viral and drug testing applications and UKAS accreditation advice.
We offer a flexible approach to users/clients, within King’s Health Partners (KHP) and external users.
Our Partners

Guy’s & St Thomas’ (GSTT) Charity

St John's Institute of Dermatology