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The Cancer Antibody Discovery & Immunotherapy Group is led by Professor Sophia Karagiannis.

Our main research interests are focused on designing antibody therapies for solid tumours such as melanoma, ovarian and breast carcinomas. Our antibody discovery pathway is informed through dissecting humoral immune responses to solid tumours as well as investigating the tumour-targeting mechanisms of IgE class antibodies and Th2 responses in cancer. Patient-derived antibodies and B cell responses are examined as potential biomarkers, with a view of developing stratified medicine approaches and patient-focused treatments. We are presently developing a pipeline of antibodies and our first-in-class agent has reached a Phase I clinical trial.

Our Partners

The British Skin Foundation

The British Skin Foundation

King's Health Partners

King's Health Partners

Innovate UK LOGO

Innovate UK


IGEM Theraputics

Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre

Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre



Group lead