The ADHD research lab conducts research on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with a particular focus on adults with the condition, who are often under-represented in research. Around 3% of adults worldwide have ADHD and there are relatively fewer treatment options available to them compared to children with the condition.
Our research aims to improve our understanding of the condition and support better treatment or management of ADHD symptoms. We largely focus on non-drug treatments, either alone or in combination with the existing approved medications (e.g., stimulant, and non-stimulant drugs). We are currently researching the following:
- Cardio and non-cardio exercise as standalone or adjunct treatments (funded by the Rosetrees Trust)
- Self-management through exercise
- Dietary modulation in the form of protein supplementation with tryptophan
- Eye movement training
- Mindfulness based practice
In addition to these intervention approaches we also explore what the compulsivity in ADHD and whether this has links to the increased risk of substance and behavioural addictions found in the ADHD. All of our studies are listed here: We are also on Twitter and Instagram (@ADHDResearchLab).
Finally, being based in a university, we are interested in what ADHD means for students during their university journey. As such we are conducting research into how individuals with ADHD (as well as other conditions under the umbrella term of neurodiversity) experience online learning and the strategies they develop to be successful in higher education.