Addressing multiple exclusion homelessness in social work education
Final report
Harris, J. & Mason, K., (2024) Addressing multiple exclusion homelessness in social work education in England: Gaps, innovative practice and resources London: NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, The Policy Institute, King's College London.
Slides from the launch event on 18 March 2024.
News item, with onward links to Community Care article about this project.
Mason, K., & Harris, J. (2025) Crossing the threshold: addressing multiple exclusion homelessness in social work education. Social Work Education, 1–19.
Two Stories
Two stories: lived experience of MEH - updated March 2024
This 2023 project is led by Jess Harris and Karl Mason and builds on the emerging findings of a larger SSCR-funded Unit study, 2019–2023, focusing on strengthening Adult Safeguarding responses to homelessness and self-neglect. One finding from this study is that social workers, including those leading Adult Safeguarding responses within local authorities, may be under-prepared for working with people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH); they report limited teaching and opportunities for relevant placements on qualification courses and uncertain attitudes about the role of social work in this area.
One recommendation from the study is that nationally we increase social worker understanding and expertise in this area. Those social workers who are currently striving to drive good practice are often isolated and unsupported in their work.
This project will explore current approaches to addressing MEH within qualifying social work education across England and identify good practice. It will produce a free resource for driving improvement and stimulating innovation within teaching relating to MEH nationally, and will prompt debate within social work education and the curriculum regulators.
The activity will comprise: a call for evidence from education providers for adult social work in England; follow-up focus groups with social work students; social work course placement leads; and homelessness organisations offering social work placements; and interviews with social work educators whose evidence submission indicates particularly innovative practice.
NIHR School for Social Care Research (SSCR)
Related work in homelessness
- Strengthening Adult Safeguarding responses to homelessness and self-neglect
- Evidencing the social work role within responses to multiple exclusion homelessness
- Examining mental capacity approaches to multiple exclusion homelessness
- Use of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 with people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness in England
- Just another form of exclusion? Carrying out research with people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness
Publications and presentations from the project are scheduled for later in 2023.
Launch of final report - 18 March 2024.
Addressing multiple exclusion homelessness in social work education - 20 September 2023.