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Programme Review and Monitoring

'Monitoring and evaluation of higher education is an essential process within providers, forming a fundamental part of the academic cycle. It can, and should, look at all aspects of the higher education experience. All higher education providers are involved in course monitoring and review processes as these enable providers to consider how learning opportunities for students may be improved.' [QAA Advice and Guidance: Monitoring and Review]

The full set of Procedures for programme and module review and monitoring can be found on the Governance zone; while the following webpages detail out the processes for programme review and annual reporting.  

Module and Teaching Evaluation

The primary purpose of module evaluation is the enhancement of teaching quality and students’ learning experience. Module Evaluation allows both undergraduate and postgraduate students to anonymously provide feedback on their modules, enabling staff to develop and improve teaching and learning as a direct result of the student voice. Please click the relevant link below for more information including a list of contacts should you have any issues:


Continuous Enhancement Review of Programmes

Continuous Enhancement Review of Programmes (taught programmes)

The purpose of annual monitoring is aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of the programme offered by King’s. The main function is to provide a regular check for programmes which is both helpful but realistic in its demands and which focuses on key quality and standards issues and enhancement.

The Head of Department or academic nominee co-produce a concise Continuous Enhancement Review of Programmes report, with students, and which includes all programmes in the department.

Further information can be found on our internal webpages.

Timescales for reporting  

UG: submissions are usually early-mid January.  PGT: submissions are mid-March.


Annual Monitoring of postgraduate research degrees

An annual report from each Faculty (Institute/School) in respect of research degrees is submitted to the Postgraduate Research Students Sub-committee. Please contact the Centre for Doctoral Studies for the relevant template to use.

Periodic Programme Review

The College uses Periodic Programme Reviews as a mechanism to enable the College to monitor the quality and standards of our programmes through an in-depth review. This review typically takes place every 5 - 6 years.

The process is part of the King’s Quality Assurance Framework and is one of the ways in which King’s is able to demonstrate compliance with the Office for Students’ initial and ongoing conditions of registration relating to ‘quality, reliable standards and positive outcomes for all students.’ It also enables King’s to demonstrate compliance with the mandatory Expectations and Core Practices in the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.

The process is also used as a revalidation exercise. This includes a review of the currency and validity of the programme, commercial viability of the programme, comparability with the sector and quality and standards. The exercise results in a programme being revalidated for a maximum of six years.

Full details of the process of programme review can be found in our Quality Assurance Handbook.