Information on requesting an exemption for students on UG and PGT...
Academic regulations and policies are part of the formal contract between the university and its students. Students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with relevant sections when they enrol and consult the regulations and policies at appropriate intervals during their studies.
The academic regulations in force when students register will normally apply to them until completion of their programme.
If you would like to access a complete PDF of the academic regulations for 2024/25, please click on the following link:
In-year changes to the academic regulations are avoided. However, if changes are necessary, these will be communicated promptly on these webpages.
Please note: New Emergency Regulations (Regulations 9.8 - 9.47) were approved by Academic Board on 30 October 2024 and are applicable from that date.
The SUSTech – King’s School of Medicine (Joint Education Institute) regulations, policies and procedures 24/25 are available here
Chapter 1: Read more on the requirements placed on students before arrival at the University.
Chapter 2: Find out more on enrollment, registration and attendance.
Chapter 3: This section outlines the awards currently offered by the University, including the level of each award and the corresponding descriptor for that level.
Chapter 4: This section outlines the assessment rules for taught programmes or taught components of research awards at King’s and should be read in conjunction with programme and module specifications.
Chapter 5: This section outlines the progression rules for taught programmes at the University, including the minimum and maximum number and level of credits that a student must take each year.
Chapter 6: Introduction to be added here to describe the Framework for Postgraduate Research Awards
Chapter 7: This section outlines the regulations, policies and procedures in place to support students during their studies at King’s.
Chapter 8: Find out more about student student concerns, conduct and complaints.
Chapter 9: Find out more about the academic governance structures and oversight of the King’s academic regulatory framework.
A list of definitions for the terms and expressions used in the academic regulations.
The degree outcomes statement analyses the University's degree classification profile by reviewing trends over several years and bringing together regulations and policies that protect degree standards
Assessment Boards, External Examiners and Committee Procedures
Information on requesting an exemption for students on UG and PGT...
Further information on internal processes and projects as well as...
Policies, regulations and key documents that determine the governance of...
Covering visa guidance, admissions information, wellbeing support and more