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Zuoxi Yueqi

Zuoxi Yueqi

PhD Student in Social Anthropology

Contact details


Zuoxi Yueqi is a PhD Student in Social Anthropology and a member of the ERC-funded ‘Cosmological Visionaries’ project at King’s, where she is researching ‘Cosmological Visions and Forestry Protection Rituals among the Nuosu of Southwest China’.

Zuoxi’s study brings Nuosu responses to climate change into conversation with ancient Nuosu-Yi books on cosmology, the world, time, humans, and other beings. She is particularly interested in uncovering the connections between the ritual logics of Nuosu forestry protection, their classification and use of plants, their ritual ‘violence’ towards animals, and the ways that wind and solar power stations are shaping the environment in Liangshan today. As a Nuosu anthropologist and textual scholar, Zuoxi has published extensively on the ritual therapies of Nuosu priests and shamans. Zuoxi has also published many translations and interpretations of ancient Nuosu-Yi documents and scriptures.

Selected publications

Yueqi Zuoxi 约其佐喜 and Cai Hua 蔡华 ‘Liangshan Yizu guanyu Mafengbing de Wenhuayingdui yu Shehuigoujian 凉山彝族关于麻风病的文化应对与社会构建 / The Social Construction and Cultural Response of the Liangshan Yi to Leprosy’ (Guizhou Gongchengyingyongjishuxueyuan Xuebao 贵州工程应用技术学院学报 / Journal of Guizhou Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology, 2020)

Yueqi Zuoxi 约其佐喜 ‘Liangshan Yizu Suni “Wubing” jiqizhiliaoyishi Yanjiu 凉山彝族苏 尼“巫病”及其治疗仪式研究 / A Study of Shamanic “Illness” and its Ritual Treatment among the Liangshan Yi’ (Honghe Xueyuan xuebao 红河学院学报 / Journal of Honghe University, 2021)

Yang Mei 杨梅 and Yueqi Zuoxi 约其佐喜 ‘Daolurenleixue Shijiaoxia Chengkuntielushangde “xiaomanche”: Yizuren Liudongde Shenghuokongjian 道路人类学视 角下成昆铁路上的 “小慢车”:彝族人流动的生活空间 / The “Little Slow Train” on the Chengdu-Kunming Railway from the Perspective of Road Anthropology: The Flowing Living Space of the Yi People’ (Yuan shengtai minzu wenhua xuekan 原生态民族文化学刊 / Journal of Ecology and Ethnic Culture, 2022).

Co-edited translations with other Nuosu scholars in Liangshan include: Zhoguop Nuosu Shybop Reppur (9-14 Zzitsu) ꍏꇩꆈꌠꏂꀨꏓꁏ(9-14ꋐꌠ)/ Zhongguo Yiwen dianji yicong(Di 9-14 ji)中国彝文典籍译丛 (第9-14辑) / Chinese Yi Classics Translation Collection (Series 9-14) (Published by Sichuan Minzu Chubanshe 四川民族出版社, 2017-2022). Volume 12 in this series features Yueqi Zuoxi 约其佐喜 and Ma Qubo 马曲博 ‘Nyitbbo Nyitpat ꑊꁧꑊꀿ / Suni Yuanliujing 苏尼源流经 / The Origins of Shamans’ (2020, pp. 337-355).

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Religious and Ethnic Diversity in China and Asia Research Unit (REDCARU)

A forum for academics, postdoctoral researchers, and students from around the world with an interest in religious and ethnic life among peoples in Asia and overseas Asians.

Cosmological Visionaries: Shamans, Scientists, and Climate Change at the Ethnic Borderlands of China and Russia

Funded by the European Research Council Synergy Grant scheme, Cosmological Visionaries explores what environmental initiatives of the future will look like.

Project status: Ongoing

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Religious and Ethnic Diversity in China and Asia Research Unit (REDCARU)

A forum for academics, postdoctoral researchers, and students from around the world with an interest in religious and ethnic life among peoples in Asia and overseas Asians.

Cosmological Visionaries: Shamans, Scientists, and Climate Change at the Ethnic Borderlands of China and Russia

Funded by the European Research Council Synergy Grant scheme, Cosmological Visionaries explores what environmental initiatives of the future will look like.

Project status: Ongoing