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YuFei  Zhang

YuFei Zhang

PhD Student


Areas of expertise

Functional and Cognitive impairment, Medical Statistics


Since 06/2023

King’s College London, UK | Doctor of Psychiatry in Old Age Psychiatry Research

09/2020 – 07/2021

University College London, UK | MSc Health Economics and Decision Science

09/2016 – 07/2020

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China) & University of Liverpool (UK) | Bachelor of Economics (Programme: 2+2 degree)

Research Interests

  • Dementia, functional and cognitive impairment
  • Promoting independence and well-being in later life
  • Identifying and reducing inequalities in access to healthcare services for the older population
  • Vulnerable populations and disability


Community Ageing Research across Ethnicities – CARE Network

Exploring health and wellbeing in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and faith groups post the COVID-19 pandemic

Project status: Ongoing


Community Ageing Research across Ethnicities – CARE Network

Exploring health and wellbeing in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and faith groups post the COVID-19 pandemic

Project status: Ongoing