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Yiming Dong

Dr Yiming Dong

Module lecturer

  • Affiliate of the Lau China Institute

Contact details


Yiming Dong is an affiliate of the Lau China Institute and a module lecturer at the King’s School for Government.

She earned her PhD in Chinese Studies research from the Lau China Institute. She holds an MSc in Comparative and International Education from the University of Oxford, and a BA in Journalism and Communication from Fudan University.

Her research focuses on educational inequality, healthcare connections between the UK and China, digital governance, as well as population dynamics and development. Her scholarly contributions, including peer-reviewed articles and policy briefs, have been published in international academic journals such as the Journal of Contemporary China, International Journal of Educational Development, East Asia Forum, and Globalisation and Health.

Previously, Dr Dong served as a research associate and postgraduate supervisor in the Department of International Development at King's College London. Prior to joining King's, she gained work experience at the United Nations, Fudan University, and Xinhua News Agency.

Beyond her academic work, she has collaborated with international organisations and governments to bridge research and policy. Her experience includes serving as a consultant to the Asian Development Bank and as a policy advisor to both the British government and the European Union.


  • Chinese politics and development
  • Rural-urban migration and urbanisation
  • Education policy
  • Digital governance and AI in public policy
  • Global healthcare economy
  • Privatisation and internationalisation of healthcare



  • 7SSO1028 International Trade Policy
  • 7SSO1011 The Economic Analysis of Public Policy
  • 7SSO1020 Regulatory Policy and Politics
  • 7SSO1018 Working Internationally
  • 7SSO1008 Key Models in Public Management: A Comparative Analysis
  • 7SSO1005 Empathy and Emotion in Policy Making
  • 7SSO1013 International Conflict Analysis and Resolution


Dong, Y. 2024. The doubly vulnerable on the move: Educational situation of ethnic minority migrant children in urban China.  International Journal of Educational Development,107, 103036. Available at:

Dong,Y. Hunter,B.M., and Salter,B., 2023 China in the Global Economy for Health-Related Services. Policy brief. Unsettling Healthcare. Available at: china-in-the-global-economy-for-health-related-services-english-1.pdf (

Salter, B., Dong, Y. and Hunter, B.M., 2022. Constructing healthcare services markets: networks, brokers and the China-England engagement. Globalization and Health, 18(1), pp.1-18. Available at:

Dong,Y. and Goodburn, C., 2020. Residence permit points systems widen China’s class divide. East Asia Forum, Available at:

Dong, Y. and Goodburn, C., 2020. Residence permits and points systems: New forms of educational and social stratification in urban China. Journal of Contemporary China, 29(125), pp. 647-666. Available at:

Invited Talks, Conferences, and Media engagement

“Boston’s dense health-sciences networks help the city maintain its lead, but Chinese cities are quickly rising, thanks to significant government investment and targeted legislation”, Interviewed by Nature Index (Nature). Available at:

“Minority education in the Xi era”, Invited panel speaker, China Week, Lau China Institute, King’s College London, UK.

“Market-making in China’s healthcare sector”, Invited panel speaker, Symposium “Globalisation and Commercialisation in the Social Sectors”, King’s College London, UK.

“Segregation and exclusion as China’s public service management goes digital: A case study of Shanghai’s Compulsory Education Enrolment” Invited panel speaker, British Association of Chinese Studies Conference, University of Oxford, UK.

“Qinghai’s ‘emigration state’: Does state-sponsored out-migration through noodle-making work as a development strategy for poor rural counties in China’s northwest?”, Invited panel speaker, ICARDC Network Conference, University of Oxford, UK.

“Assimilated, integrated, or separated? Ethnic migrant families in Shanghai”, Invited panel speaker, Ethnographies of Islam in China, SOAS International Conference, London, UK.

“China’s migrant children and conducting fieldwork in urban China”, Invited speaker, Department of education, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.



Panel discussion - Minority education in the Xi era

How has minority education transformed under Xi Jinping? Join us for a panel discussion and networking drinks with experts.

Please note: this event has passed.



Panel discussion - Minority education in the Xi era

How has minority education transformed under Xi Jinping? Join us for a panel discussion and networking drinks with experts.

Please note: this event has passed.