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Will  Rasmussen

Dr Will Rasmussen

Matilal Lecturer in Indian philosophy


Dr Will Rasmussen majored in Classics at Dartmouth College (USA), read Literae Humaniores at Oxford and then taught Classics at secondary school level. In 2001 he began his studies for the PhD at King’s and wrote his dissertation on Plato’s use of apparent doctrinal inconsistencies in the Charmides to encourage readers to challenge their own understanding of knowledge, and in particular of ‘Socratic wisdom’, viz, the knowledge of what one does and does not know. Since then he has taught in the Philosophy Department as the Matilal Lecturer in Indian Philosophy.

Research Interests

Dr Rasmussen is currently focusing entirely on his teaching of the modules in Indian philosophy at King’s and is not supervising students for postgraduate research.

For more details, please see his full research profile.


Dr Rasmussen has previously taught on the following modules

Undergraduate modules:

  • 6AANA016 Indian Philosophy I: The Orthodox Schools
  • 6AANB017 Indian Philosophy II: The Heterodox Schools

Postgraduate modules:

  • 7AAN2034 Indian Philosophy I: The Orthodox Schools
  • 7AAN2035 Indian Philosophy II: The Heterodox Schools