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Vid Mlakar

Vid Mlakar

PhD Student


Vid Mlakar is a PhD student in the Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry Centre, at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. Vid’s work primarily investigates telomere biology in individuals affected by severe mental health disorders. His work examines the potential aetiology of differences in telomere biology between psychiatric populations and unaffected individuals (e.g., genetics, lifestyle, stress), as well as investigates the relevant clinical correlates associated with such pathophysiology (e.g., cognition).

Research interests

  • Telomere biology
  • Lifestyle (diet, exercise, sleep substance use)
  • Stress
  • Genetics
  • Psychopathology


Vid is an active GTA who has taught seminars and marked coursework across several modules on the BSc Psychology course (Psychology and the Brain; Psychology and Society, etc.).