Victoria Sanz-Moreno
Professor of Cancer Cell Biology
Born in London but educated in Spain, Victoria studied Chemistry at Universidad de Oviedo, and received a masters in Biochemistry and a PhD in Chemical Sciences with Piero Crespo at the Universidad de Cantabria. She did postdoctoral work as a Marie Curie Fellow with Chris Marshall in the ICR and established her lab at the Randall in 2011 as a CRUK Career Development Fellow. Her work is providing insight into the interaction of cytoskeleton and the transcriptional machinery during cancer progression. In 2017, she won the BSCB Women in Cell Biology Early Career Award Medal and a CRUK Senior Fellowship. She moved to the Barts Cancer Institute in 2018 as Professor of Cancer Cell Biology.

Cancer Biology
Cancer Biology
Scientists discover the 'roadmap' that aggressive cancer uses to spread
Scientists have discovered a new way to predict which tumours will become aggressive before they metastasise and spread around the body.


Cancer Biology
Cancer Biology
Scientists discover the 'roadmap' that aggressive cancer uses to spread
Scientists have discovered a new way to predict which tumours will become aggressive before they metastasise and spread around the body.