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Victoria Evans

Dr Victoria Evans

Lecturer in Private Law


Dr Victoria Evans is a Lecturer of Private Law. Her main research area focuses on the intersection between Property Law and Tort Law. She joined The Dickson Poon School of Law in September 2020 and prior to that was completing her PhD at the University of Leicester. The PhD is entitled ‘Protecting Property through Tort; The Implications of Using Tort Law to Protect ‘Property Interests’ in English Common Law’ and Vicki plans on turning this work into a monograph in the future. Her other research focuses more broadly on Property law and Tort law.

Vicki also has a keen interest in Legal Education research and her co-authored paper with Arwen Joyce and Charlotte Mills was awarded the Chris Gale Memorial Prize for the best co-authored paper at the Association of Law Teachers Annual conference 2019. The paper, from the follow up project, funded by the Association of Law Teachers, recently been published in the European Journal of Legal Education and uses student comments collected in focus groups to create a best practice guide for new law tutors.

Vicki teaches on the undergraduate Law of Property module at KCL. Prior to her appointment she was a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Leicester teaching Land Law and lecturing on the Advanced Property Law module. Prior to that she completed her LLB and LLM at the University of Birmingham.

Vicki has recently taken on the role of Widening Participation Borough Co-ordinator for Lambeth in the Dickson Poon School of Law. This project aims to strengthen the connections between the Law school and local schools, in the view of encouraging students to aim for King’s law and university in general.

PhD supervisions

Yes, Vicki is accepting PhD supervisions

Research interests

Vicki’s main research interests are in Private Law broadly, but more specifically the intersections between Property Law and Tort law. Most of her research falls within this category, including recent case notes on AA v Persons Unknown & Ors, Re Bitcoin and Manchester Building Society v Grant Thornton UK LLP, and articles and a PhD exploring the intersection between Tort law and Property Law.

She also has a keen interest in legal education and has a recently published co-authored paper in the European Journal of Legal Education entitled: ‘A teaching best practice guide for early career academics in UK law schools grounded in the student voice’.


  • Law of Property
  • Law of Tort (semester Two)

PURE profile 

For more information on Dr Evans' research, visit her research portal.