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Vasileios  Letsios

Vasileios Letsios

Visiting Research Associate

Research interests

  • Mathematics


Vasileios has been a visiting research associate in the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London since October 2023. He began his 4-year undergraduate education in the Physics Department at the University of Patras, Greece. In 2018, he relocated to London, where he completed his MSc in theoretical physics at Imperial College (QFFF). From 2019 to 2023, he pursued his Ph.D. studies in the Department of Mathematics at the University of York under the supervision of Atsushi Higuchi.

Vasileios’s research interests encompass Quantum Field Theory in de Sitter spacetime and the exploration of symmetries in field theories. Currently, his primary focus lies in the representation theory of the de Sitter group and the role of its Unitary Irreducible Representations within the context of Quantum Field Theory. Vasileios was the first to construct a field theory-representation theory dictionary’ for higher-spin fermionic fields in de Sitter spacetime. 


`field theory-representation theory dictionary’ for higher-spin fermionic fields in de Sitter spacetime

(Non-)unitarity of strictly and partially massless fermions on de Sitter space, J. High Energ. Phys. 2023, 15 (2023)

The eigenmodes for spinor quantum field theory in global de Sitter space-time, J. Math. Phys. 62, 032303 (2021)

New conformal-like symmetry of strictly massless fermions in four-dimensional de Sitter space, arXiv:2310.01702

Unconventional conformal invariance of maximal depth partially massless fields on dS_4 and its relation to complex partially massless SUSY, arXiv:2311.10060


Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics

The group is at the forefront of research in supersymmetry, string and M- theory and related areas.


Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics

The group is at the forefront of research in supersymmetry, string and M- theory and related areas.