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Varuna   Aluvihare

Varuna Aluvihare

Transplant Hepatology and Governance Lead - King's College London


Transplant Hepatology Lead and Governance Lead at the Institute of Liver Studies, King’s College Hospital, London and worked at King's for more than 13 years. I have been elected Chair of the British Liver Transplant Group. I studied medicine at the Royal Free Hospital and completed my professional medical training in hepatology and transplantation at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. My clinical interests encompass all aspects of chronic liver disease and liver transplantation, with specific interests in immunosuppression, chronic immune mediated graft failure and auxiliary transplantation. I undertook MRC funded PhD and Clinician Scientist fellowships in Immunology/Molecular Biology at the world renowned MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge. After starting at King’s College Hospital, I have been the recipient of a 5 year HEFCE Senior Lecturer Fellowship and a ROTRF grant in transplantation research. I am Chair of the British Liver Transplant Group, a member of the UK Liver Transplant Advisory Group, the Transplant Hepatology representative on the national Multivisceral Transplantation review group, the Transplant Hepatology representative on the British Transplant Society Council, and a member of the Editorial Board for Liver Transplantation.