Professor Uta Bindl
Professor of Organisational Behaviour
Research interests
- Human Resource Management
Contact details
Uta Bindl is a Professor of Organisational Behaviour at King's Business School. Uta received her PhD in Work Psychology in 2011 from the University of Sheffield, after having previously completed her BA and MA in Management Studies in Germany. Prior to joining King’s Business School in 2019, she worked as an Assistant Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Uta has published her work in a wide range of eminent peer-reviewed outlets, including the Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Group & Organization Management, Applied Psychology: An International Review, and Cognition & Emotion.
She is currently serving as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior and as an editorial board member of the Academy of Management Review and Journal of Management.
Uta has served as an Associate Dean (Doctoral Studies) at King’s Business School and as an elected Representative-At-Large of the Organizational Behavior Division in the US Academy of Management. She has been repeatedly nominated for awards for her under- and postgraduate teaching across the fields of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, including having been recognised with the LSE Excellence in Teaching award in the past.
Uta conducts research in three primary areas: (1) motivation in organizations (e.g., proactivity and job crafting), (2) employee wellbeing, and (3) implications of the ‘future of work’ (e.g., increased digitalisation and AI) for sustained performance at work. The majority of her research addresses the following questions: When and why do individuals in organizations engage in active work performance—in particular, proactive behavior aimed at bringing about change in the organization or in their own job—and what are the implications of such work behavior for individuals, themselves, as well as for their organization?
In addition, Uta's research advances novel insights into why and how individuals actively manage their own and others’ well-being at work and into the distinct aspects of well-being (for example, aspects of eudaimonic well-being) that are relevant for individuals’ experiences at work.
Finally, she examines the influence of the broader social context, as well as of changes in the nature of work in the context of digital transformation, on employees’ motivation and well-being. For instance, in ongoing ESRC-funded research, Uta examines the implications of AI and digitalisation in organizations for employees’ sustained performance at work.
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Selected Publications
Barkema, H.*, Bindl, U.K.*, & Tanveer, L.* (in press). How Entrepreneurs Achieve Purpose Beyond Profit: The Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Organization Science.
*shared first-authorship.
Clinton, M., Bindl, U.K., Frasca, K. J., & Martinescu, E. (in press). Once a job crafter, always a job crafter? Investigating job crafting in organizations as a self-concordant process across time. Human Relations.
Groth, M.*, Bindl, U.K.*, Wang, K., & van Kleef, G. (in press). How Social Roles Shape Interpersonal Affect Regulation at Work. Organizational Psychology Review.
*shared first-authorship.
Ong, M., Ashford, S.J., & Bindl, U.K. (2023). The Power of Reflection for Would-Be Leaders: Investigating Individual Work Reflection and Its Impact on Leadership in Teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(1), 19-41.
Bindl, U.K., Parker, S.K, Sonnentag, S., & Stride, C.B. (2022). Managing Your Feelings at Work, for a Reason: The Role of Individual Motives in Affect Regulation for Performance-Related Outcomes at Work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(7), 1251-1270.
Newman, A., Eva, N., Bindl, U.K., & Stoverink, A. (2022). Organizational and vocational behavior in times of crisis: A review of empirical work undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic and introduction to the special issue. Applied Psychology, 71( 3), 743– 764.
Weissman, H., Bindl, U.K., Gibson, C., & Unsworth, K. (2022). It’s About Time: Understanding Job Crafting Through the Lens of Individuals’ Temporal Characteristics. Group & Organization Management, 47(2), 148–186.
Warr, P.B., Sánchez-Cardona, I., Taneva, S., Vera, M., Bindl, U.K., Cifre, E. (2021). Reinforcement sensitivity theory, approach-affect and avoidance-affect. Cognition & Emotion, 35(4), 619-635.
Bindl, U.K. (2019). Work-related proactivity through the lens of narrative: Investigating emotional journeys in the process of making things happen. Human Relations, 72(4), 615–645.
Bindl, U.K., Unsworth, K.L., Gibson, C.B., & Stride, C.B. (2019). Job crafting revisited: Implications of an extended framework for active changes at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(5), 605-628.
Vough, H., Bindl, U.K., & Parker, S.K. (2017). Proactivity routines: The role of social processes in how employees self-initiate change. Human Relations, 70(10), 1191–1216.
Warr, P.B., Bindl, U.K., Parker, S.K., & Inceoglu, I. (2014). Four-quadrant investigation of job-related affects and behaviours. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(3). pp. 342-363.
Bindl, U.K., Parker, S.K., Totterdell, P., & Hagger-Johnson, G. (2012). Fuel of the self-starter: How mood relates to proactive goal regulation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(1), 134-150.
Parker, S.K., Bindl, U.K., & Strauss, K. (2010). Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation. Journal of Management, 36, 827-856.

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