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Tony Burch

Dr Tony Burch

PPI representative


Tony has extensive experience of volunteering, ranging from large third sector organisations providing support to carers and older adults as well as with smaller local organisations.


VASC logo 780-b
Meaningful volunteer involvement in adult social care (ASC): Perspectives from diverse ASC providers, key informants, and evaluation of the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders scheme

Evaluating volunteering in adult social care (ASC) within the ‘NHS and Care Volunteer Responders’ scheme

Project status: Ongoing


VASC logo 780-b
Meaningful volunteer involvement in adult social care (ASC): Perspectives from diverse ASC providers, key informants, and evaluation of the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders scheme

Evaluating volunteering in adult social care (ASC) within the ‘NHS and Care Volunteer Responders’ scheme

Project status: Ongoing