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Tim Watson

Professor Tim Watson

Professor of Biomaterials & Restorative Dentistry


Research interests are dental materials/operative dentistry and in vitro/in vivo microscopic imaging techniques. Clinical interests are diagnosis and management of caries, tooth wear and trauma with new techniques, methods of cavity preparation and materials


    cariology project 3
    Cariology & Operative Dentistry

    Cariology & MI Operative Dentistry Research Programme

    1800x500 dentistry_video_hero
    Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences

    From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.


    Oral Micro-vascular Diagnostic Imaging

    Read about King's work on how AI is being used in oral micro-vascular diagnostic imaging, as featured in the Bringing the Human to the Artificial exhibition.

    Diagnostic Microvascular Imaging Case Study AdobeStock_543446781

    Root canal treatments overhauled through new device to detect untreated bacteria

    A new method of detecting bacteria during root canal treatments could eradicate the need for follow up appointments and prevent treatments from failing,...

    Root canal


      cariology project 3
      Cariology & Operative Dentistry

      Cariology & MI Operative Dentistry Research Programme

      1800x500 dentistry_video_hero
      Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences

      From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.


      Oral Micro-vascular Diagnostic Imaging

      Read about King's work on how AI is being used in oral micro-vascular diagnostic imaging, as featured in the Bringing the Human to the Artificial exhibition.

      Diagnostic Microvascular Imaging Case Study AdobeStock_543446781

      Root canal treatments overhauled through new device to detect untreated bacteria

      A new method of detecting bacteria during root canal treatments could eradicate the need for follow up appointments and prevent treatments from failing,...

      Root canal