I completed a BA in Spanish and Portuguese at Wadham College, Oxford, in 2014, an MSt in Spanish and Portuguese at St. Anne’s College, Oxford, in 2015, supported by a Ferrera Willets Studentship and a HEFCE Oxford Graduate Bursary, and a DPhil in Spanish and Portuguese at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, in 2019, as Magellan Scholar and with a full AHRC studentship. At King’s College London, I was a Teaching Fellow in Portuguese Studies in 2018‒2019 and a Lecturer in Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Studies in 2022 and, at Oxford, I have taught as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Spanish at the University of Oxford for a range of colleges since 2017, and where I have also taught widely for the Portuguese Sub-Faculty.
Research Interests and PhD Supervision
- Early Modern Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Epic Poetry.
- Medieval and Early Modern Spanish and Portuguese Drama and Poetry.
- Representations of Women and Indigenous Peoples.
- Sexual and Social Non-Conformers and Transgressors.
- Intersections between Modes of Writing and European Literary Traditions (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian).
- Early Modern Vernacular Translations of Classical Texts and Classical Reception.
I am currently finalizing the manuscript for a monograph entitled The Unspoken Word, which discusses Lope de Vega’s transformation of the epic poems of Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga and of Pedro de Oña into drama in his Arauco domado and which re-evaluates the playwright’s portrayal of his European and indigenous characters by focusing on the non-verbal elements of his drama such as dramatic devices, scene changes, split scenes, entrances and exits, stage directions, irony and the manner in which he emphasizes or downplays elements of his source narratives. It gives particular attention to the subversive implications of Lope’s handling of the play’s gracioso Rebolledo and his depiction and reimagination of the female indigenous characters of the epics.
I am also finalizing a co-produced critical edition and translation of a sixteenth-century Portuguese comedy for Aris & Phillip’s Hispanic Classics series and working towards the completion of two further monograph studies. The first is An Epic Tale of Rivalry, developed from my doctoral thesis, which explores imitation of Luís de Camões’s epic poem Os Lusíadas in the major poetic works of Luis de Góngora ‒ his Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea and Soledades ‒ and is supported by an MHRA Post-Doctoral Scholarship in the Modern Languages. The second is titled Los Lusíadas, which compares and contrasts the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century, Castilian translations of Camões’s epic by Bento Caldeira, Luis Gómez de Tapia, Henrique Garcés, and Manuel de Faria e Sousa and is under contract for the MHRA European Translation series.
I have several articles under review on María de Zayas’s short stories and António Ferreira’s Bristo and I am also working on further series of articles on connections between Ferreira’s Bristo and the Portuguese comedies of Francisco de Sá de Miranda, the Italian comedies of Ludovico Ariosto, and the Latin comedies of Terence and Plautus, which discuss issues of masculinity, effeminacy, and homosexuality in relation to the playwright’s source texts, as well as another article on humour and wit in Góngora’s Polifemo. I hope shortly to begin working on a critical edition and translation of a selection Gil Vicente’s medieval Spanish and Portuguese drama focused on female characters and on connections between several ‘miracles’ of the medieval, Galician-Portuguese Cantigas da Santa Maria and other European literary traditions.
I teach a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the areas of medieval and early modern peninsular and colonial Spanish and Portuguese literature, a selection of modern Spanish and Portuguese authors and texts, some film, and several interdisciplinary, cross tradition, and cross language modules. I also teach Spanish and Portuguese language, grammar, and translation (to and from the target language) at all undergraduate levels and oral classes and I have supervised undergraduate and postgraduate research projects and dissertations in Spanish and Portuguese literature.
Selected Publications
'Titanic Cyclops' or 'Cyclopean Titan'?: Adamastor and Gonzalo Pérez’s 'Ulyxea' and Gregorio Hernández de Velasco’s 'Eneida’, Portuguese Studies, 38 (2022), 5–24
‘Beating Them at Their Own Game: Gender and Perspective in the Petrarchan and Pastoral Poetry of María de Zayas’s 'Aventurarse perdiendo’, Modern Language Review, 117 (2022), 609–33
‘Neo-Stoic Correctives to Neo-Platonic Love Affairs: Subversive Imitation of the Eclogues of Garcilaso de la Vega in Francisco de Sá de Miranda’s 'Alexo', 'Celia', and 'Andrés’, Iberoromania: Versos Ibéricos: intercambios en la poesía del siglo XVI: de la elegía a la épica, 96 (2022), 1–39
’soy más hombre de lo que mis barbas dan muestra’: Aminta’s Gender and Role Reversal and the comedia de capa y espada and drama de honor in María de Zayas’s 'La burlada Aminta y venganza del honor’ (Forthcoming)
'Huy, polo enxoval que assi me honra’: Transgenderism, Transvestism, and Homo- and Bisexuality in António Ferreira’s 'Bristo’ (Under review)