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Svetislav  Zaric

Dr Svetislav Zaric

Lecturer / Honorary Consultant in Periodontology

Research interests

  • Dentistry


Dr Svetislav Zaric is a specialist and a Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Periodontology in the Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions, in the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, King's College London.


  • 2019-2023: Specialty training in Periodontology, King’s College London
  • 2013-2014: Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK
  • 2007-2010: PhD, School of Dentistry and Centre for Infection and Immunity, Queen’s University Belfast, UK. ”Mechanisms of Immunomodulation by the Periodontal Pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis
  • 2004-2007: MSc, School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. “The Influence of Periodontal Therapy on the Success of Gastric Helicobacter pylori Eradication”
  • 1997-2003: BDS (Hons), School of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Positions held

  • 2019-2023 NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer and Specialty Registrar in Periodontology, King’s College London
  • 2013-2019 Clinical Associate Professor in Biomedical Science, Year 1 Lead, Peninsula Dental School, University of Plymouth
  • 2011- 2013 Lecturer in Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, University of Aberdeen
  • 2010-2011 Research Fellow, Centre for Infection and Immunity, Queen’s University Belfast.

Awards and Research Grants

  • 2023 European Federation of Periodontology, Digital Innovation Award, 3rd Place, “Digital technology monitored and controlled oral endotoxin activity levels for personalised primary and secondary prevention of gum diseases and related systemic complications”
  • 2018 The Best Translational Research Poster Award “Specificity of Innate Immune Responses to LPS in the Oral Mucosa – Clinical Consequences”- Poster presentation, Toll 2018, Editing Innate Immunity, Porto, June 2018
  • 2018 The Dowager Countess Eleanor Peel Trust- “Improving Oral Health for the Elderly” (£14,100)
  • 2016 Oral and Dental Research Trust, Ohi (Previser) Award: “Developing Lipid-A based biosensors for prevention of periodontal diseases and personalised, point-of-care periodontal therapy”, S.Zaric, C.McIlwaine. (£4,942)
  • 2014 GSK Research Grants Programme: “Modulation of osteoclast differentiation and activity by induction of endotoxin tolerance”, S.Zaric, L.Belfield. (£5,900)
  • 2014 PhD scholarship: “Tolerogenic mechanisms associated with chronic Porphyromonas gingivalis infection: good for whom, host or pathogen?”, Plymouth University (Collaborator Dr Andrew Foey)
  • 2013 Oral and Dental Research Trust: “Subgingival lipid-A profile as a bacterially-derived biomarker for chronic periodontitis”. Co-funded by NIHR (NIHR UKCRN ID 18081) (£10,500)
  • 2013 IADR/Lion Award for Young Investigators (Microbiology/Immunology Group)
  • 2011 IADR/Unilever Hatton Divisional Award (Irish Division)

Research Interests

  • Microbiology and immunology of periodontal diseases
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • TLR receptors signalling
  • Pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases
  • Innate immune responses to LPS modifications (lipid-A and O-antigen)
  • Endotoxin tolerance, immune modulation and mechanisms for control and resolution of inflammation
  • Biomarkers development for personalised, point-of-care periodontal therapy.


    Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions

    Millions of microorganisms live in and on our bodies forming microbiomes on different surfaces. Researchers in the Centre for Host Microbiome Interactions study our relationship with these bacteria and fungi in health or in oral and systemic diseases such as periodontitis, candidiasis, oral cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

    periodontal medicine
    Periodontology and Periodontal Medicine

    Research into periodontal and peri-implant diseases with the aim to improve patient care and quality of life.

    The Multiscale Biofilm Research Hub (MBRH)

    The Multiscale Biofilm Research Hub (MBRH) has been established to promote interdisciplinary interactions and focus microbial biofilm related research at King’s.

    MBRH theme1
    Biofilms at mucosal surfaces

    The study of dental caries, periodontitis, vaginal dysbiosis, chronic inflammatory diseases & infections within the oral cavity, intestinal tract & lungs

    Project status: Ongoing


    Link between gum disease and stroke identified in young people

    Researchers from King’s College London and the University of Helsinki have identified a link between periodontitis (gum disease) and cryptogenic ischemic...



      Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions

      Millions of microorganisms live in and on our bodies forming microbiomes on different surfaces. Researchers in the Centre for Host Microbiome Interactions study our relationship with these bacteria and fungi in health or in oral and systemic diseases such as periodontitis, candidiasis, oral cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

      periodontal medicine
      Periodontology and Periodontal Medicine

      Research into periodontal and peri-implant diseases with the aim to improve patient care and quality of life.

      The Multiscale Biofilm Research Hub (MBRH)

      The Multiscale Biofilm Research Hub (MBRH) has been established to promote interdisciplinary interactions and focus microbial biofilm related research at King’s.

      MBRH theme1
      Biofilms at mucosal surfaces

      The study of dental caries, periodontitis, vaginal dysbiosis, chronic inflammatory diseases & infections within the oral cavity, intestinal tract & lungs

      Project status: Ongoing


      Link between gum disease and stroke identified in young people

      Researchers from King’s College London and the University of Helsinki have identified a link between periodontitis (gum disease) and cryptogenic ischemic...
