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Susannah Ticciati

Professor Susannah Ticciati

Professor of Christian Doctrine


Susannah Ticciati read Part I maths and Part II theology at Peterhouse, Cambridge, where she went on to do a PhD in theology. After a year in Göttingen she held a research fellowship at Selwyn College, Cambridge, before starting at King’s in 2005.

Research interests

  • Constructive Christian doctrinal theology
  • Biblical hermeneutics
  • Apophatic theology
  • Scriptural Reasoning

Susannah Ticciati’s research in Christian theology has a constructive emphasis, treating traditional doctrinal loci in the light of contemporary concerns. It is resourced both by Scripture and by historical theologians, and involves creative rereading of both. On the Scriptural side she has worked closely with the book of Job and Wisdom literature more widely, and with aspects of Paul’s epistles. From the tradition, Augustine of Hippo and Karl Barth are key interlocutors. Thematically, her focuses include the relation between divine and creaturely agency, the problem of Christian supersessionism, and the place of truth in both scriptural interpretation and public debate. Her approach is strongly apophatic, emphasising God’s transcendence of language.Susannah's research is informed by her longstanding participation in the practice of Scriptural Reasoning, in which Jews, Christians and Muslims read their sacred texts together. She is interested in the various patterns of reasoning exhibited in the different traditions.

She is the author of three books: Job and the Disruption of Identity, A New Apophaticism, and On Christ, Signs, Truth and the Interpretation of Scripture (in the Reading Augustine series). She is currently working on Augustine's *De Trinitate*.

For more details, please see her full research profile.


Dr Ticciati teaches modules in Christian theology at all levels (undergraduate and postgraduate). She supervises PhD students working in Christian theology and at the intersection between theology and Biblical Studies, including biblical hermeneutics.