Dr Susannah Baron
Consultant Dermatologist
Susannah Baron studied at Bristol University and completed her Dermatology training in Leeds. Susannah is a Consultant Dermatologist at St John's Institute of Dermatology and works as a Paediatric Dermatologist at St Thomas's Hospital. Susannah's field of expertise is in the management of severe eczema in children and the psycho-social impact of this on children and their families. She has established a national paediatric psychodermatology service at St John's Institute of Dermatology and works jointly with a paediatric clinical psychologist.
Susannah is involved in population-based research and clinical trials with a focus on atopic eczema and she is Co-investigator on the UK-Irish TREatment of severe eczema in children Trial (TREAT), which compares ciclosporine with methotrexate in children with recalcitrant atopic eczema and Co-investigator of the UK-Irish Atopic Eczema Systemic Therapy Register (A-STAR).
Susannah is Chair of Psychodermatology UK whose aim is to raise awareness of the psychosocial impact of skin disease and promote research and multi-disciplinary management between dermatologists, psychiatrists and psychologists. She was Treasurer of the British Society of Paediatric Dermatology (BSPD) and a lead member of the BSPD working group for the development of recommendations for psychological screening tools to be used in paediatric dermatology clinics. As Chair of Psychodermatology UK, Susannah is uniquely placed to drive forward support, understanding and research in psychological morbidity and best treatment for children and adolescents suffering from skin disease.
Susannah was an invited author for 2 book chapters; prescribing in children for the Handbook of Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology (2nd edition) and paediatric psychodermatology in Practical Psychodermatology (in press).
A list of Susannah's publications can be found here.

Paediatric & Population-Based Dermatology Research
The Paediatric & Population-Based Dermatology Research is based at St Thomas’ Hospital and is led by Professor Carsten Flohr.

Paediatric & Population-Based Dermatology Research
The Paediatric & Population-Based Dermatology Research is based at St Thomas’ Hospital and is led by Professor Carsten Flohr.