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Steve Williams

Professor Steve Williams PhD

Professor of Neuroimaging

  • Head of Department, Neuroimaging

Research interests

  • Cardiovascular


My lab is focused on the research and development of neuroimaging techniques from basic science to clinical application. We aspire to making brain imaging an essential clinical tool in both neurology and psychiatry as we devise innovative imaging methods to measure brain structure, function, physiology and metabolism.

These safe, non-invasive imaging methods allow us to gain a better understanding of the patient’s brain biology which can aid diagnosis and inform the development of novel treatment strategies.

Our current research includes the development of a dedicated, head-only MR system as well as quick and quiet imaging approaches to help the assessment of some of our most challenging and unwell patient populations.

I also lead the Department of Neuroimaging and the Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences based at the South London and Maudsley Hospital.

Please see my Research Staff Profile for more detail.


MRI main image
Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering

The Centre focuses on the science and engineering of medical imaging. The UK is strong in medical imaging, with the Centre hosting the largest research group in this area in Europe.The Centre combines fundamental research in engineering, physics, mathematics, computing, and chemistry with medicine and biomedical research. The 400 inter-disciplinary scientists in the Centre are transforming the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and will deliver exceptional research.

PONS Centre banner brain scan
NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.


King's welcomes The Princess Royal to the Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences

The Princess Royal, in her role as Chancellor of the University of London, met with researchers, clinicians and collaborators of the UNITY Project to learn...

Princess Anne IoPPN visit

King's College Hospital Chief Officers Visit Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute

Professor Clive Kay and Dr Leonie Penna met with School of Neuroscience researchers to learn about clinical and academic partnerships.


Major advance for detecting brain conditions in babies

Research by experts at King’s and Evelina London Children’s Hospital has found major advances for detecting brain conditions in babies using portable MRI...

Portable MRI scan imagery

Drumming for Health at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2023

The exhibition Drumming for Health and Wellbeing builds on two studies featuring King's researchers

Visitors at the Drumming for Health Royal Society



Pioneering Approaches in Experimental and Translational Medicine: A Two-Day Course

Two-day course run by NIHR Maudsley BRC Experimental Medicine and Novel Therapeutics Theme. Target audience is PhD students, research assistants.

Please note: this event has passed.


The power to improve lives, anywhere: the impact of global research collaboration

Mental health. Gender equality. Fragile health systems. Conflict. When you think about the pressing issues our society faces, solutions might seem years away.

1920 RIA Global Colabs


MRI main image
Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering

The Centre focuses on the science and engineering of medical imaging. The UK is strong in medical imaging, with the Centre hosting the largest research group in this area in Europe.The Centre combines fundamental research in engineering, physics, mathematics, computing, and chemistry with medicine and biomedical research. The 400 inter-disciplinary scientists in the Centre are transforming the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and will deliver exceptional research.

PONS Centre banner brain scan
NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Brain Health

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) HealthTech Research Centre, designed to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge technology to better understand brain health and ageing and help people live healthier lives for longer.


King's welcomes The Princess Royal to the Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences

The Princess Royal, in her role as Chancellor of the University of London, met with researchers, clinicians and collaborators of the UNITY Project to learn...

Princess Anne IoPPN visit

King's College Hospital Chief Officers Visit Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute

Professor Clive Kay and Dr Leonie Penna met with School of Neuroscience researchers to learn about clinical and academic partnerships.


Major advance for detecting brain conditions in babies

Research by experts at King’s and Evelina London Children’s Hospital has found major advances for detecting brain conditions in babies using portable MRI...

Portable MRI scan imagery

Drumming for Health at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2023

The exhibition Drumming for Health and Wellbeing builds on two studies featuring King's researchers

Visitors at the Drumming for Health Royal Society



Pioneering Approaches in Experimental and Translational Medicine: A Two-Day Course

Two-day course run by NIHR Maudsley BRC Experimental Medicine and Novel Therapeutics Theme. Target audience is PhD students, research assistants.

Please note: this event has passed.


The power to improve lives, anywhere: the impact of global research collaboration

Mental health. Gender equality. Fragile health systems. Conflict. When you think about the pressing issues our society faces, solutions might seem years away.

1920 RIA Global Colabs