Mr Steve Large
Senior Vice President (Operations)
Stephen has 30 years of finance experience in Higher Education. Joining King's in 1988, he held a variety of positions before being appointed Director of Finance in January 2000, Vice President (Finance) in October 2016 and now SVP (Operations) from March 2020.
Stephen is responsible for the management of the university’s finances and the Finance function. Areas of expertise, oversight and accountability include: financial planning and forecasting; procurement; capital planning and financing; financial systems; financial reporting, treasury, tax, payroll and pensions. Stephen is a Senior Sponsor for King’s Climate & Sustainability, a cross-university drive to rapidly scale our response to the climate emergency through our research, education, operations and action.
He was appointed to the College Council in 2020 as a staff member and also serves on the Finance Committee and the Estates Strategy Committee.
In addition to his role at King’s, Stephen is chair of the Russell Group Finance Directors Working Group.
He has held a variety of external appointments during his time at King’s. Currently he is a trustee of the Superannuation Arrangement of the University of London (SAUL pension scheme 2010) and member of its audit and deed committees; a trustee of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education Europe (CASE Europe July 2014) and a member of the audit committee of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) since incorporation.
Stephen is a certified accountant FCCA (Fellow 1996, Associate 1991) and member of the chartered institute of management accountants ACMA (Associate 1993).