Dr Stefan Bauer
Lecturer in Early Modern History
Research interests
- History
Contact details
Dr Bauer is a Lecturer in Early Modern History in the Department of History. He is an intellectual and cultural historian. His research interests cover humanism, religious polemic, censorship, fakes and forgeries.
Dr Bauer is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and Co-Editor of ‘Lias: Journal of Early Modern Intellectual Culture and its Sources’. Dr Bauer has taught and held positions at Warwick, York, the London School of Economics, the German Historical Institute in Rome and the Italian-German Historical Institute in Trent. Bauer is a Privatdozent at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland; Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Warwick; Research Associate at the Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, University of York; and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
In 2021, Dr Stefan Bauer was elected to the Council of the Royal Historical Society.
In 2023, Dr Bauer was elected to the Academia Europaea as a member of the History and Archaeology section.
Research interests and PhD supervision
- Renaissance and Reformation
- Church history
- Humanism
- Fakes and forgeries
- Censorship
For more information, please see Stefan Bauer’s full research profile
Selected publications
- Co-editor (with Simon Ditchfield), A Renaissance Reclaimed: Jacob Burckhardt’s ‘Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy’ Revisited (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) (Proceedings of the British Academy)
- Editor, The Uses of History in Religious Controversies from Erasmus to Baronio, Special Issue of Renaissance Studies 35 (2021) no. 1
- The Invention of Papal History: Onofrio Panvinio between Renaissance and Catholic Reform (Oxford University Press, 2020). Finalist for the RefoRC book award 2020.
- ‘History for Hire in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Onofrio Panvinio’s Histories of Roman Families’, Erudition and the Republic of Letters 4 (2019) 397–438
- The Censorship and Fortuna of Platina’s Lives of the Popes in the Sixteenth Century (Brepols, 2006)
Expertise and public engagement
Public Engagement
2020 ‘The Invention of Papal History’, audio interview with Crawford Gribben, New Books Network, 19 October 2020
2020 ‘Dialoghi di Urbisaglia’, video interview with Edoardo Barbieri, Il canale dei libri, 14 September 2020
2020 Book launch The Invention of Papal History, with Simon Ditchfield and Rosamond McKitterick, hosted by the Society for Renaissance Studies, online, 2 July
2020 ‘The Forgotten Father of Church History’, The Tablet, London, 27 June, pp. 12–13
2020 ‘How Onofrio Panvinio Made the Popes History: The Forgotten Story of a Renaissance Pioneer’, The Spectator, US edition, 4 May
2018 Co-organizer, panel discussion, with museum curators, Interpreting the Renaissance in the 21st Century, National Gallery, London, 25 May
2018 Co-organizer, Burckhardt at 200: Interpreting the Italian Renaissance Past, Present and Future, with Peter Burke et al., Warburg Institute, London, 30 May
2017 Book exhibition The Art of Disagreeing Badly: Religious Dispute in Early Modern Europe (II), Middle Temple Library, London. Online exhibition available here. Public lecture at opening event, chaired by Giles Mandelbrote, 24 August
2017 ‘Rare Book of the Month: Onofrio Panvinio, De primatu Petri’, Middle Temple Library Blog, July 2017
2016 Book exhibition The Art of Disagreeing Badly: Religious Dispute in Early Modern Europe (I), York Minster Library. Online exhibition available here. Public lecture at opening event during York Interfaith Week, 15 November
2015–21 Chair, UK Chapter, Marie Curie Alumni Association, financed by the European Commission. Organizer of interdisciplinary networking and career events (700+ members)
Recent Media Coverage
2020 Peter Marshall, ‘History Wars: The Cultural Politics of Papal Rome’, History Today 70 (2020) no. 6, pp. 98–99
2020 Solène Tadié, ‘How a Forgotten 16th-Century Augustinian “Invented” Papal History’, National Catholic Register, 16 July 2020
2020 Charles Collins, ‘Is a 16th-Century Friar the “Inventor” of Papal History?’, Crux, 10 June 2020
2020 Matteo Al Kalak, ‘Panvinio e il rinnovamento nella Chiesa del ‘500’, Avvenire, 10 May 2020
2018 Jonathan Jones, ‘Meet Jacob Burckhardt, the Thinker who Invented “Culture”’,
The Guardian, 30 May 2018
Expert panels and memberships:
Managing Editor, Lias: Journal of Early Modern Intellectual Culture and its Sources (2019-)
Managing Editor, Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento/Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient (2011–13)
Member, Programme Committee, Renaissance Society of America
External reviewer, Grant applications, National Science Centre, Poland
Member, Expert panel of the European Commission, reviewing Marie Curie Fellowship applications
Member, Advisory board, Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism
Member, Advisory committee, Studi storici, filologici e letterari, Edizioni CLORI
Co-owner, Email list ‘The Material Renaissance: Costs and Consumption in Italy’
Peer reviewer of unpublished manuscripts, Presses: Oxford University Press, Bloomsbury Academic, Routledge; Journals: English Historical Review, Renaissance Quarterly, Sixteenth Century Journal, Reformation, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Studies in Church History, International Journal of the Classical Tradition, Italian Studies, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia, Krypton
Professional Memberships and Affiliations
Fellow, Royal Historical Society
Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Corresponding Fellow, Roma nel Rinascimento
Renaissance Society of America
Society for Renaissance Studies
Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre, University of Warwick
Research Network ‘Early Modern Religious Dissents and Radicalism’
Research Group ‘Transizioni’, Trento
Research Network ‘Histoire et pouvoir’, Paris and Erfurt
Stefan Bauer elected to Academia Europaea
Dr Stefan Bauer has been elected as a new member of Academia Europaea, a European association for leading experts in science, education, and research.

Stefan Bauer elected to Academia Europaea
Dr Stefan Bauer has been elected as a new member of Academia Europaea, a European association for leading experts in science, education, and research.