Sophie joined King’s College London as a PhD student in 2023, under the supervision of Dr Aled Walker. Her main interests are Analytic Number Theory and Additive Combinatorics. Prior to starting her PhD, Sophie completed her MSc in Mathematics at King’s. Sophie was awarded her undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Trinity College, Cambridge.
Outside of her PhD studies, Sophie engages in maths outreach. Through this work, Sophie has spoken and the Royal Institution, and Cheltenham Science Festival, and she has appeared on the Numberphile YouTube channel.
Research interests
- Analytic Number Theory
- Additive Combinatorics
- Correlations of point sequences modulo 1
PhD Supervision
Principal supervisor: Dr Aled Walker
Further information

Number Theory
King's has a strong tradition of research in number theory that continues to this day
King's Mathematicians shape national debate at UK Maths Summit
Academics launched a platform to unlock the power of mathematics to benefit society alongside policymakers and experts earlier this month.


Number Theory
King's has a strong tradition of research in number theory that continues to this day
King's Mathematicians shape national debate at UK Maths Summit
Academics launched a platform to unlock the power of mathematics to benefit society alongside policymakers and experts earlier this month.