Professor Siobhán McIlvanney Professor Siobhán McIlvanney Academics Supervisors Professor of French and Francophone Women's Writing Research subject areas Literature Contact details +44 (0)20 7848 1836
Thoughts on Place: A Conversation with Annie Ernaux Le Contre-Salon des Vieilles et des Vieux 2023: A Report and Interview Collaborative Care: Sharing Stories of Ageing in Recent French and Francophone Women's Writing Miroir, mouroir: (Dis)figuring the Ageing Woman in Simone de Beauvoir’s La Vieillesse Worldwide Women Writers in Paris: Francophone Metronomes by Alison Rice Working Through Maternal Ambivalence: The Wake-up Call of Chanson douce Kathryn Robson. I Suffer, Therefore I Am: Engaging with Empathy in Contemporary French Women’s Writing Fictional Transgressions and the Matter of Bodies Heroines and Local Girls: The Transnational Emergence of Women's Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century by Pamela L. Cheek Flood, Maria. France, Algeria and the Moving Image: Screening Histories of Violence 1963–2010. Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association (Research Monographs in French Studies, 49), 2017. 162 pp. £75.00 / $99.00 / €85.00. ISBN 978–1–78188–692–2. Living and literary bodies in Maïssa Bey’s Hizya Hartung, Heike. Ageing, Gender and Illness in Anglophone Literature: Narrating Age in the Bildungsroman 'A Contre-Silence: A Taxonomy of Maternal Grief in Maïssa Bey's "Puisque mon coeur est mort"' Jane Hiddleston. Writing After Postcolonialism: Francophone North African Literature in Transition . London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic (New Horizons in Contemporary Writing), 2017. 304 pp. £85.00 / $114.00. ISBN 978–1–350–02279–9. In Celebration of Celibacy: Sophie Fontanel's L'Envie (2011) 'Viewing the Algerian Cityscape in Nina Bouraoui's "La Voyeuse interdite" and Leïla Sebbar's "La jeune fille au balcon"' Women and the City in French Literature and Culture: Reconfiguring the Feminine in the Urban Environment Figurations of the Feminine in the Early French Women's Press, 1758-1848 Contesting Views: The Visual Economy of France and Algeria. By EDWARD WELCH and JOSEPH McGONAGLE. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013. 236pp. Pb £70.00. ISBN: 978-1-84631-884-9 'Impuissance' and 'Culpabilité': Reducing the Weight of Maternal Influence in Contemporary French Women’s Narratives of Anorexia Promenade au pays de la vieillesse: Re-viewing Literary and Cinematic Representations of Ageing in Simone de Beauvoir 'Surfacing' the Politics of Desire: Literature, Feminism, and Myth Grandmother Through the Looking-Glass: Perspectives on (Anti)Ageing in Noëlle Châtelet's Au pays des vermeilles Education and Exile in the Writings of Maïssa Bey and Malika Mokeddem Scribbling Sorority: Writer-Reader Relations in the Early French Women's Press and Le Journal des dames Fictionalising the Father in Maïssa Bey's Entendez-vous dans les montagnes.... Quand la folie parle: The Dialectic Effect of Madness in French Literature since the Nineteenth Century Rebel Without A Cause?: Female Brutality and Criminality in Leïla Marouane's Le Châtiment des hypocrites Fighting For Independence: Leïla Marouane’s La Jeune Fille et la mère and Maïssa Bey’s Cette fille-là 'Les mo(r)ts ne nous lâchent pas': Death and the Paternal/Amorous Body in Linda Lê's 'Lettre morte' Narratives of Mothering: Women's Writing in Contemporary France Ernaux: La Place and La Honte "Il était une fois...": Trauma and the Fairytale in Amélie Nothomb's Robert des noms propres Annie Ernaux: the work of intervening period Double Vision: The Role of the Visual and the Visionary in Nina Bouraoui's La Voyeuse interdite (Forbidden Vision) Annie Ernaux: An introduction to the writer and her audience Writing: a link between mother and daughter as seen in the works of Jeanne Hyvrard, Chantal Chawaf and Annie Ernaux 'Le Journal des Dames et des Modes' (1797-1839): A Pioneering Presence in the History of the French Women's Press Revolutionising Women: Conflicts of class and gender in the French women's press during the French Revolution The Articulation of Beur Female Identity in the Works of Farida Belghoul, Ferrudja Kessas and Soraya Nini Annie Ernaux : the return to origins View all publications
9 July 2024 Conference highlights importance of humanities in menopause research ‘New Perspectives on the Menopause’ emphasised the significance of humanities expertise in improving…