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Simon Ahrens

Simon Ahrens

BA International Relations

  • German Development Agency


Since graduating I have interned at different organisations in the field of development cooperation and diplomacy. I currently work for the German Development Agency (GIZ) specialising in regulatory and technical conditions in Chinese-German trade relations. Building on my previous research on international relations theory at King’s, I am also pursuing a graduate certificate in Philosophy and Ethics at Harvard University.

My BA in International Relations allowed me to analyse complex global challenges through a multidisciplinary lens. Whilst at King’s, I was encouraged to actively participate in academic debates and develop my own arguments based on a broad range of evidence. I also gained insights into cutting-edge research through modules taught by internationally renowned scholars.

In my current job, I often draw on the crisis simulations and panel discussions with government officials at King’s, which enabled me to critically reflect on the implications of real-world events for theories of international politics.

My time at King’s and study abroad experience in the US, not only contributed to my intellectual development but also sparked my passion for working in a challenging and multicultural environment.

A part-time job as a German tutor and student ambassador at King’s also helped me become more confident in public-speaking. Beyond the invaluable inspiration from one-on-one discussions with professors and London’s museums and libraries, my student experience was shaped by close interaction with my peers.

Since my first day on campus, I have come to know King’s as a unique place where ambitious students from various backgrounds can exchange ideas in seminars and go on to form lasting friendships.