I am a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Over the past 14 years, I have been involved in Medical Education, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I am a Deputy Director of Medical Education. I am the lead Foundation Training Programme Director at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals. I am Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Medical School, King’s College London. I am an Educational Supervisor for year 4 & 5 medical students and supervise year 4 QIP projects. I regularly teach medical students that have placements in the Emergency Department at St Thomas’ Hospital. I supervise elective medical students on a regular basis. I am an educational supervisor to trainees of all grades. I am involved with faculty development, delivering on the supervision courses for educational and clinical supervisors and developing the faculty to deliver simulation training. I have developed, and lead and teach on number simulation courses regularly at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals for the multidisciplinary team. I developed and run the interview skills for junior doctors. I developed and run the ‘Introduction to coaching conversations’ course at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals. I have written a number of book chapters on topics in Emergency Medicine. I am course medical director and instructor for ATLS, ALS and EPALS courses. Also, I am an instructor for APLS. I am accredited with the Masters in Medical Education (MMedEd) from the University of Warwick. I am a qualified coach accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and coach people, especially in career development. I am a qualified medico-legal Expert witness, accredited with the Cardiff University-Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate. My Qualifications: BSc (Hons), MB BS, FRCSEd (A & E), FRCEM, MMedEd Cardiff University Bond Solon (CUBS) Expert Witness Certificate EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) Coach
Shumontha is the leader of the following courses:
- Postgraduate faculty development simulation courses
- Emergency Medicine simulation courses ATLS ALS EPALS APLS
Shumontha is a teacher of the following courses:
- Postgraduate simulation courses