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Shervindokht Sadeghi Nasab

Dr Shervindokht Sadeghi Nasab

Research Associate


Shervindokht Sadeghi Nasab obtained her BSc from Griffith University in Australia and studied for a Masters in Cancer Biology at the University of Kent. She completed her PhD at King’s College London in 2022.

She is now working with Dr Moyes’ group studying microbe-host interactions. Sheri and her colleagues are focusing on candida-induced metabolic reprogramming of epithelial cells. She is also interested in the investigating the associations between Candida albicans and the progression of oral dysplasia using human tissues.


Functional Microbiome Group / Moyes Group

Investigating the functional interactions between microbes/microbial communities and mucosal surfaces.

MIMSA - Oral Microbiome & Mucosal Immunity in COVID-19 disease

Examining the role of 'mucosal immunity' and the 'oral microbiome' in COVID severity, and the differences seen between South Asian & white ethnic groups.

Project status: Starting


Functional Microbiome Group / Moyes Group

Investigating the functional interactions between microbes/microbial communities and mucosal surfaces.

MIMSA - Oral Microbiome & Mucosal Immunity in COVID-19 disease

Examining the role of 'mucosal immunity' and the 'oral microbiome' in COVID severity, and the differences seen between South Asian & white ethnic groups.

Project status: Starting