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Shahriar Sajjadi

Dr Shahriar Sajjadi

Senior Lecturer

Research interests

  • Physics


Shahriar Sajjadi obtained Bachelor (BEng) and Master (MSc) degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Amirkabir, Tehran in 1982 and 1985, respectively. After obtaining his Bachelor's degree he was involved in a project on multiobjective optimisation of petrochemical industries using linear programming under United Nation Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). In 1987, he joined Iran Polymer Institute and embarked on research studies of the polymerisation technologies while building a group working on theoretical and experimental aspects of polymerisation reactions. He completed his PhD on the particle formation and growth in emulsion polymerisation reactions at Loughborough University, England, in 1998. He spent a couple of years as a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Loughborough and King's College London. In 2003, he was appointed lecturer in the Division of Engineering at King's College London


  • Polymerisations in dispersed media
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Nanoparticle synthesis and characterisation
  • Macroemulsions, nanoemulsions and microemulsions
  • Emulsification science and technology
  • Multiphase dynamics

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Nanostrand is the newsletter for the Photonics & Nanotechnology Group and the Biological Physics and Soft Matter Group in the Department of Physics.

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Nanostrand newsletter available for download

Nanostrand is the newsletter for the Photonics & Nanotechnology Group and the Biological Physics and Soft Matter Group in the Department of Physics.

Photonics & Nanotechnology Group