Saran Green
Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement Manager
Saran Green is a Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement (PPIE) Manager in the Translational Oncology and Urology (TOUR) team. She coordinates patient participation and all engagement activities for the team as well as across Guy’s Cancer. She supports numerous research projects and conducts varied PPIE activities at King’s College London and is a part of the King’s Engagement Research Network (KERN).
She is responsible for the management of the PPIE portfolio of the Guy’s Cancer Real World Evidence (RWE) Programme.
She began as the PPI Coordinator for the REIMAGINE Study, where she worked closely with Professor Van Hemelrijck, head of at TOUR and lead for Work Strand 6 of the study. Work strand 6 involves all communication with the public and all the patients in the study, for example, website, newsletters, and events.
She is an advocate for representation in research and is the Coordinator for the PPI Cancer Research Group for Diverse Backgrounds, whose aim is to empower, educate and equip diverse ethnic communities, so they can make informed decisions about their health and engage with research as well as to provide a platform for researchers to access this under-represented population of patients and members of the public.
- Fox, L(Fox, Louis) ; Wylie, H (Wylie, Harriet) ; Haire, A (Haire, Anna) ; Green, S (Green, Saran) ; Kibaru, J (Kibaru, Joyce) ; Van Hemelrijck, M (Van Hemelrijck, Mieke). "Something Good Has to Come Out of the Horror": A Qualitative Examination of Cancer Survivors' Attitudes Towards Participation in Research During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic.FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH (2021)
- Marsden, T(Marsden, Teresa) ; Lomas, DJ (Lomas, Derek J.) ; McCartan, N (McCartan, Neil) ; Hadley, J (Hadley, Joanna) ; Tuck, S (Tuck, Steve) ; Brown, L (Brown, Louise) ; Haire, A (Haire, Anna) ; Moss, CL (Moss, Charlotte Louise) ; Green, S (Green, Saran) ; Van Hemelrijck, M (Van Hemelrijck, Mieke) ; ...More. ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Screening Study: protocol for a single-centre feasibility study inviting men for prostate cancer screening using MRI. BMJ OPEN (2021)
- Bessa, A(Bessa, Agustina) ; Bosco, C (Bosco, Cecilia) ; Cahill, F (Cahill, Fidelma) ; Russell, B (Russell, Beth) ; Fox, L (Fox, Louis) ; Moss, C (Moss, Charlotte) ; Wylie, H (Wylie, Harriet) ; Haire, A (Haire, Anna) ; Green, S (Green, Saran) ; Enting, D (Enting, Deborah) ; ...More. Designing a Pragmatic Intervention to Help Improve the Bladder Cancer Patient Experience.INQUIRY-THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION PROVISION AND FINANCING (2021)
- Marsden, T(Marsden, Teresa) ; McCartan, N (McCartan, Neil) ; Hadley, J (Hadley, Joanna) ; Tuck, S (Tuck, Steve) ; Brown, L (Brown, Louise) ; Haire, AJ (Haire, Anna J.) ; Moss, CL (Moss, Charlotte L.) ; Green, S (Green, Saran) ; Van Hemelrijck, M (Van Hemelrijck, Mieke) ; Coolen, T (Coolen, Ton) ; ...More. Update from the ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Screening Study NCT04063566: Inviting Men for Prostate Cancer Screening Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS (2021)
- Van Hemelrijck, M(Van Hemelrijck, Mieke) ; Peters, V (Peters, Vivienne) ; Loong, JF (Loong, John F.) ; Russell, B (Russell, Beth) ; Fox, L (Fox, Louis) ; Wylie, H (Wylie, Harriet) ; Santaolalla, A (Santaolalla, Aida) ; Beyer, K (Beyer, Katharina) ; Rammant, E (Rammant, Elke) ; Lin, E (Lin, E.) ; Haire, A (Haire, Anna) ; Moss, C (Moss, Charlotte) ; Green, S (Green, Saran). The importance of patient and public involvement in cancer research: time to create a new job profile. FUTURE ONCOLOGY (2021)
- Fox, L(Fox, Louis) ; Wylie, H (Wylie, Harriet) ; Cahill, F (Cahill, Fee) ; Haire, A (Haire, Anna) ; Green, S (Green, Saran) ; Kibaru, J (Kibaru, Joyce) ; Hartley, C (Hartley, Catherine) ; Sullivan, R (Sullivan, Richard) ; Van Hemelrijck, M (Van Hemelrijck, Mieke). Gender Differences in Concerns About Participating in Cancer Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic. CANCER CONTROL (2021)
- Fox, L(Fox, Louis) ; Wylie, H (Wylie, Harriet) ; Cahill, F (Cahill, Fidelma) ; Haire, A (Haire, Anna) ; Kibaru, J (Kibaru, Joyce) ; Green, S (Green, Saran) ; Hartley, C (Hartley, Catherine) ; Sullivan, R (Sullivan, Richard) ; Van Hemelrijck, M (Van Hemelrijck, Mieke). C-CRES: COVID-19 and cancer research engagement study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY (2020)
- Bessa, A(Bessa, Agustina) ; Martin, R (Martin, Rebecca) ; Haggstrom, C (Haggstrom, Christel) ; Enting, D (Enting, Deborah) ; Amery, S (Amery, Suzanne) ; Khan, MS (Khan, Muhammad Shamim) ; Cahill, F (Cahill, Fidelma) ; Wylie, H (Wylie, Harriet) ; Broadhead, S (Broadhead, Samantha) ; Chatterton, K (Chatterton, Kathryn) ; Malde, S (Malde, Sachin) ; Nair, R (Nair, Rajesh) ; Thurairaja, R (Thurairaja, Ramesh) ; Kumar, P (Kumar, Pardeep) ; Haire, A (Haire, Anna) ; Green, S (Green, Saran) ; Northover, M (Northover, Margaret) ; Briggs, K (Briggs, Karen) ; Van Hemelrijck, M (Van Hemelrijck, Mieke) . Unmet needs in sexual health in bladder cancer patients: a systematic review of the evidence. BMC UROLOGY (2020)

Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research
The Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team aims to turn science into better healthcare by translating uro-oncology research into medical practice.

King’s Engaged Research Network (KERN)
Find out more about the King’s Engaged Researcher Network
MRI scans improve prostate cancer diagnosis in screening trial
New research has found using MRI as a screening test alongside the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test allowed detection of cancers that would have been...

5 minutes with Saran Green
Saran Green is the Public and Patient Coordinator for the REIMAGINE Study and coordinates all engagement activities for the Translational Oncology and...


Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research
The Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team aims to turn science into better healthcare by translating uro-oncology research into medical practice.

King’s Engaged Research Network (KERN)
Find out more about the King’s Engaged Researcher Network
MRI scans improve prostate cancer diagnosis in screening trial
New research has found using MRI as a screening test alongside the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test allowed detection of cancers that would have been...

5 minutes with Saran Green
Saran Green is the Public and Patient Coordinator for the REIMAGINE Study and coordinates all engagement activities for the Translational Oncology and...