Dr Sam Thenabadu is the Deputy Dean and Head of Stage 3, GKT School of Medical Education within the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine.

Mental health, migration and the megacity in São Paulo
Looking at the relationship between mental health and urban transformation since the late nineteenth-century in São Paulo.
Project status: Completed
King's medical graduate is Ireland's first ever Olympic luger
Elsa Desmond is representing Ireland in Luge at the 2022 Winter Olympics.

5 minutes with Sam Thenabadu
Dr Sam Thenabadu is the Programme Director for the King's MBBS degree and a Reader in Medical Education within the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

Beyond the ward: Students organise worldwide conference on future of medical education
A group of students have come together to organise an online conference on medical education for over 2,000 people.

Beyond the ward: Saving lives
Final year medical students, Safya Saleem and Hani Hassan, save a man's life whilst walking home from a placement shift at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells...


Mental health, migration and the megacity in São Paulo
Looking at the relationship between mental health and urban transformation since the late nineteenth-century in São Paulo.
Project status: Completed
King's medical graduate is Ireland's first ever Olympic luger
Elsa Desmond is representing Ireland in Luge at the 2022 Winter Olympics.

5 minutes with Sam Thenabadu
Dr Sam Thenabadu is the Programme Director for the King's MBBS degree and a Reader in Medical Education within the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

Beyond the ward: Students organise worldwide conference on future of medical education
A group of students have come together to organise an online conference on medical education for over 2,000 people.

Beyond the ward: Saving lives
Final year medical students, Safya Saleem and Hani Hassan, save a man's life whilst walking home from a placement shift at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells...