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Sait Bayrakdar

Sait Bayrakdar

Research Associate

Research interests

  • Education


Sait Bayrakdar is a research associate in the School of Education, Communication & Society at King’s College London and one of the co-investigators of the ESRC-funded “Opportunity, equality and agency in England's new VET landscape: a longitudinal study of post-16 transitions” project.

Research interests

Social inequalities, sociology of education, youth transitions, migration and intersectionality.


    Opportunity, equality and agency in England's new VET landscape: a longitudinal study of post-16 transitions (Young Lives, Young Futures)

    How England's vocational education and training (VET) system could better support the school to work transitions of young people who don’t go to university.

    Project status: Ongoing

    women at wokr
    Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

    The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.

    LGBTQ+ policymaking
    LGBTQ+ policymaking in the UK

    Establishing an interdisciplinary network of academic, policymaking, and civil society stakeholders to address the policy needs of the UK’s LGBTQ+ population.

    Project status: Starting


    ECS in focus: Sait Bayrakdar

    Sait Bayrakdar talks about his latest research project, life in the School and how he is learning more about qualitative data analysis.

    London landscape


      Opportunity, equality and agency in England's new VET landscape: a longitudinal study of post-16 transitions (Young Lives, Young Futures)

      How England's vocational education and training (VET) system could better support the school to work transitions of young people who don’t go to university.

      Project status: Ongoing

      women at wokr
      Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

      The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.

      LGBTQ+ policymaking
      LGBTQ+ policymaking in the UK

      Establishing an interdisciplinary network of academic, policymaking, and civil society stakeholders to address the policy needs of the UK’s LGBTQ+ population.

      Project status: Starting


      ECS in focus: Sait Bayrakdar

      Sait Bayrakdar talks about his latest research project, life in the School and how he is learning more about qualitative data analysis.

      London landscape