Ruth is a biologist and data scientist, whose primary interest is in how environmental exposures, particularly in the face of climatic breakdown, interact with health in ageing. She is interested in how environmental exposures (from geophysical to social and lifestyle) influence frailty and multiple chronic long-term conditions ('multimorbidity'), along with the human gut microbiome and other omics.
Ruth joined the Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology (TwinsUK) in 2015, and completed her PhD on 'Environmental factors influencing the human gut microbiome' in 2019. She joined the Alan Turing Institute on April 2022 on a part-time basis where she worked to integrate bias-corrected climate data to health-related datasets in order to understand future health-climate scenarios. From October 2023, she joined the Welcome Leap funded project 'Diverging Dynamic Resilience' led by Prof. Claire Steves.
Ruth has contributed to over 50 published research articles on a wide range of topics. She was previously co-lead in organising the London Microbiome Meeting, and currently facilitates a bimonthly multimorbidity statistical community of practice with the University of Exeter GEMINI project.
Ruth prefers to work across disciplines and was co-investigator on a 2022 NERC awarded discipline hopping-grant, where she worked closely with colleagues in KCL Geography. In 2018, she was awarded an early career researcher award to disseminate her thesis findings in collaboration with an artist, leading to a 3m long, mulitcoloured, visual interpretation of her work.

Centre for Ageing Resilience In a Changing Environment - CARICE
Welcome to the Centre for Ageing Resilience in a Changing Environment: CARICE

Lunchtime Talk: Outside In
Join our Lunchtime Talk with Dr. Ruth Bowyer, discover how our changing environment influences how we age.
Please note: this event has passed.

Mapping population health vulnerabilities to climate breakdown using spatial microsimulation and climate data - tools from Urban Analytics @ The Alan Turing Institute
Seminar with Ruth Bowyer and Stuart Lynn
Please note: this event has passed.

Centre for Ageing Resilience In a Changing Environment - CARICE
Welcome to the Centre for Ageing Resilience in a Changing Environment: CARICE

Lunchtime Talk: Outside In
Join our Lunchtime Talk with Dr. Ruth Bowyer, discover how our changing environment influences how we age.
Please note: this event has passed.

Mapping population health vulnerabilities to climate breakdown using spatial microsimulation and climate data - tools from Urban Analytics @ The Alan Turing Institute
Seminar with Ruth Bowyer and Stuart Lynn
Please note: this event has passed.