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Roxana  Bratu

Dr Roxana Bratu

Senior Lecturer in Public Policy

Research interests

  • Policy
  • Digital


Roxana is Senior Lecturer in Public Policy in the International School for Government, The Policy Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Policy. Before joining King’s in 2022, she was held positions at the University of Sussex and University College London.

Roxana’s research interests and publications focus on anti-corruption public policies and practices, digitalization and its impact on (anti)corruption, narratives of corruption and integrity development, ethics and integrity in public policy and artificial intelligence public policies and regulations.

Roxana holds a PhD in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Before embarking on a PhD she was a Chevening Scholar at the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford.




7SSO1025 Anti-Corruption and the Rule of Law

7SSO1007 Ethics, Leadership and Governance

7SSO1026 Public Sector Leadership

7SSO1006 Communications, Media and Public Policy

7SSO1005 Empathy and Emotion in Policymaking


Invited talks and engagement

Roxana provides talks and guest lectures for programmes designed for public officials, business executives and anti-corruption practitioners:

Corruption in action: Exchanging insights with Roxana Bratu, Forensic Risk Alliance Women’s Network, 2023 (talk for legal and compliance professionals in the corporate corruption space)

European CAPITALS programme for public officials from Germany, France and Italy in partnership with Hertie School in Berlin and the LUISS School of Government in Rome, 2023

Operational Delivery Excel programme for the UK Civil Service’s Operational Delivery Profession, 2023

Politics, democratic governance and sustainable and inclusive growth Red de Accion Politica (RAP) Symposium for public officials and political leaders from Argentina, 2023


PhD supervision

Roxana welcomes applications for PhD students in the following subject areas:

  • Corruption
  • Anti-corruption: policies, politics and practices
  • Integrity and ethics in public administration
  • Artificial intelligence – ethics, challenges, public policies and regulations


GACS Research Group Picture
Global (Anti)corruption Studies research group

A research group examining corruption and anticorruption in the Global South.


International School for Government hosts European Capitals programme

Participants had the opportunity to witness the inner workings of government

Participants outside HM Treasury.


GACS Research Group Picture
Global (Anti)corruption Studies research group

A research group examining corruption and anticorruption in the Global South.


International School for Government hosts European Capitals programme

Participants had the opportunity to witness the inner workings of government

Participants outside HM Treasury.