Rosie studied for her PhD in the centre for cell biology and cutaneous research at the Blizard Institute where she was investigating the mechano-sensing and cellular signalling of both normal and keloid dermal fibroblasts, under the supervision of Professor John Connelly. After completing her PhD, in early 2022, Rosie stayed within the Connelly lab to complete a short postdoc which involved continuing with her PhD research but with a particular focus on the mechano-regulation of autophagy in both normal and keloid dermal fibroblasts. In October 2022, Rosie joined the Taam's lab to work on a collaborative, Wellcome Trust funded project investigating the hypothesis that fibroblasts are drivers of chronic pain, using rheumatoid arthritis as the primary model.

Taams Lab
Studying fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms that initiate, perpetuate and regulate immune-mediated inflammation in human health and disease

Taams Lab
Studying fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms that initiate, perpetuate and regulate immune-mediated inflammation in human health and disease