Rosie is currently undertaking her PhD under the supervision of Professor Sergi Garcia-Manyes in the Department of Physics at King’s College London. Prior to this, Rosie obtained her bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences at the University of Brighton in 2021. During her BSc, she undertook a placement year at GSK, working in the Materials Science lab.
Thesis title
The nanomechanical effects of oxidative-stress driven post-translational modifications in cardiac titin: a cross-scale approach.
Research interests
Protein folding
PhD supervisor
Principal supervisor: Professor Sergi Garcia-Manyes

Biological Physics & Soft Matter
The Biological Physics and Soft Matter group aims to use bespoke technology and analytical methods borrowed from the Physical Sciences to address important fundamental questions in Biology.

Biological Physics & Soft Matter
The Biological Physics and Soft Matter group aims to use bespoke technology and analytical methods borrowed from the Physical Sciences to address important fundamental questions in Biology.