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Ros Murray

Dr Ros Murray

Senior Lecturer in French

Research interests

  • Culture
  • Languages
  • Media


I am a graduate of King's College London, where I completed a PhD on the work of Antonin Artaud. I held research posts in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures at The University of Manchester, and in the department of Film at Queen Mary University of London, where I taught on film and French modules. I came back to King's as a lecturer in 2016.

Research Interests and PhD Supervision

  • Documentary, avant-garde and experimental film cultures in France and Spain
  • Feminism and queer theory
  • Antonin Artaud

My first book, Antonin Artaud: The Scum of the Soul, was published with Palgrave McMilllan in 2014. My current book, on the work of the video activist Carole Roussopoulos, is under contract with Punctum books. I have published on the work of Chantal Akerman, queer French and Spanish film, as well as on the work of Artaud. I am on the editorial board at MAI journal.

I welcome PhD applications in film and visual culture, in particular related to avant-garde, experimental, queer and feminist work.

For more details, please see her full research profile.


I teach on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules, including modules on French Cinema, literature and translation.

Selected publications

Expertise and public engagement

I am co-founder with Azadeh Fatehrad of the research network Herstoriographies. I have introduced films and spoken at public events on film at BFI Southbank, Ciné Lumière at Institut Français, the ICA and Open City Documentary film festival. I would be happy to speak to the media about any aspect of my work.


    Q@K banner

    Centre for research and teaching in gender and sexuality studies and a hub for collaborative work with queer activists, artists, and communities.

    Textual Representation PoeticsFictionRhetoric
    Textual Representation: Poetics/Fiction/Rhetoric

    Researchers within the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Culture at King’s College London are dedicated to exploring literary texts in multilingual contexts.

    Vis Culture
    Visual Culture

    The Visual Culture research group is a network of scholars within King’s College London working across a diverse historical range of film, art, and performance.

    LGBTQ+ policymaking
    LGBTQ+ policymaking in the UK

    Establishing an interdisciplinary network of academic, policymaking, and civil society stakeholders to address the policy needs of the UK’s LGBTQ+ population.

    Project status: Ongoing



    Chantal Akerman Symposium

    A deep dive into Chantal Akerman’s work through a series of talks and discussions.

    Please note: this event has passed.


    Migration and/as Translation: Negotiations of New Forms of Sexual Dissidence in Contemporary Franco-Maghrebi Autofictional Writing

    Professor William J Spurlin explores representations of queer migration in recent Francophone literature from the Maghreb.

    Please note: this event has passed.


      Q@K banner

      Centre for research and teaching in gender and sexuality studies and a hub for collaborative work with queer activists, artists, and communities.

      Textual Representation PoeticsFictionRhetoric
      Textual Representation: Poetics/Fiction/Rhetoric

      Researchers within the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Culture at King’s College London are dedicated to exploring literary texts in multilingual contexts.

      Vis Culture
      Visual Culture

      The Visual Culture research group is a network of scholars within King’s College London working across a diverse historical range of film, art, and performance.

      LGBTQ+ policymaking
      LGBTQ+ policymaking in the UK

      Establishing an interdisciplinary network of academic, policymaking, and civil society stakeholders to address the policy needs of the UK’s LGBTQ+ population.

      Project status: Ongoing



      Chantal Akerman Symposium

      A deep dive into Chantal Akerman’s work through a series of talks and discussions.

      Please note: this event has passed.


      Migration and/as Translation: Negotiations of New Forms of Sexual Dissidence in Contemporary Franco-Maghrebi Autofictional Writing

      Professor William J Spurlin explores representations of queer migration in recent Francophone literature from the Maghreb.

      Please note: this event has passed.