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Robin Dart

Dr Robin Dart

Postdoctoral Clinical Research Fellow

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Dr Robin Dart is a clinician scientist working in mucosal immunology and innate T cell biology. He also works as a consultant gastroenterologist at Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital specialising in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. During his clinical training completed a Wellcome Trust funded PhD at King’s College London and the Francis Crick Institute making insights into the how the epithelia shape mucosal immune compartments in health and IBD. Using clinical samples, he aims to understand the implications and mechanisms of altered immune compartments on intestinal disease. To do this he studies both fundamental biological interactions between the epithelium and its specialised T cell compartment as well as translational studies which investigate the architecture of the mucosal immune system in response to IBD therapies. He is a committee member of the young-European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation group one aim of which is to promote basic science research in young IBD in researchers in Europe and beyond.