Dr Rita Forde
Lecturer in Long-term Conditions and Reproductive Health
Research interests
- Diabetes
- Nursing
Rita is a Lecturer in Long-term Conditions and Reproductive Health. She is a member of the Clinical Research in Diabetes group within the Division of Care for Long Term Conditions and has an honorary clinical post at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. Rita was awarded a Doctoral Fellowship from The Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes (FEND) and joined King’s College London as a PhD student in 2013. Prior to this, she worked clinically at the Diabetes Centre, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in Dublin and was the inaugural advance nurse practitioner in diabetes nursing in Ireland.
Research interests
Rita’s research interests span initiatives to improve care for people living with diabetes, women’s health, pregnancy planning, pregnancy, and advanced nursing practice.
Enquiring about potential PhD supervision
If you’re thinking of applying for one of our PhD programmes and are looking for potential supervisors, please email nmpc_pgr_enquiries@kcl.ac.uk listing the names of the supervisors you’ve identified as having expertise in your chosen area, along with your CV and a short research proposal.
Our Postgraduate Research Team will contact supervisors on your behalf and get back to you. If you have any queries in the meantime, please use the email address above, rather than contacting potential PhD supervisors directly, because they are unable to respond to initial enquiries.

Pre-pregnancy Care for Women with Type 2 Diabetes
The PREPARED study is an integrated primary care-based programme of pre-pregnancy care to improve pregnancy outcomes in women with type 2 diabetes.
Project status: Ongoing
New study highlights urgent need to alleviate impact of pandemic on people with diabetes
Diabetes nurses across Europe have reported increases in physical and psychological problems for people living with diabetes during COVID-19.

Rita’s teaching focuses on:
- qualitative research approaches,
- diabetes care, and
- women’s health.

Pre-pregnancy Care for Women with Type 2 Diabetes
The PREPARED study is an integrated primary care-based programme of pre-pregnancy care to improve pregnancy outcomes in women with type 2 diabetes.
Project status: Ongoing
New study highlights urgent need to alleviate impact of pandemic on people with diabetes
Diabetes nurses across Europe have reported increases in physical and psychological problems for people living with diabetes during COVID-19.

Rita’s teaching focuses on:
- qualitative research approaches,
- diabetes care, and
- women’s health.