Ricardo Guerrero Fernandez
PhD Student
Research interests
- International development
- Business
- Policy
Contact details
Ricardo Guerrero Fernández is a PhD student in the Department of International Development. His research draws on progressive taxation, business groups, bureaucracy, the political economy of taxation, and tax law. He is a lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, has a master degree in taxation in Universidad de Chile and holds a Master in Public Administration at the London School of Economics. He was Head of Tax Policy at the Ministry of Finance Chile. Regional Expertise: Chile, Latin America, OECD countries.
Thesis title: The impact of Business and Bureaucracies in tax policymaking: Chile and Uruguay in comparative perspective
During his first year as a PhD student, Ricardo participated in the UK Wealth Tax Commission project, publishing the paper: The political economy of the abolition of wealth taxes in the OECD. Moreover, he contributed with the OECD in the analysis and impacts of inheritance taxation at OECD countries. The work will be published in the following months.
PhD Supervision
Principal supervisor: Andres Mejia Acosta
Secondary supervisor: Nestor Castañeda