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Renata Da Costa Magueta

Renata Da Costa Magueta

Mass Spectrometry Analyst, London Metallomics Facility


Renata received her undergraduate degree in Chemistry from the University of Campinas (Unicamp) - Brazil. She continued her studies at Unicamp in the separation sciences, focusing on the development of a novel zirconized solid phase for solid phase extractions, under the supervision of Prof. Isabel C.S.F. Jardim, and graduated as a MSci in Analytical Chemistry in 2013.

After her studies, Renata worked as an Analytical Chemist for the Institute of Chemistry at Unicamp, providing technical and analytical support to students, academics and external users on ICP-OES, XRD, XRF and other analytical instrumentation. In 2019 she joined the Chemistry Department at King's College London where she provided technical support to the research laboratories. Most recently, she joined the London Metallomics Facility at King's College London and focuses mainly in ICP-MS and correlated techniques. 


Lab Research
Research Management and Innovation

The Directorate of Research Management and Innovation


Lab Research
Research Management and Innovation

The Directorate of Research Management and Innovation