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Ratha Perumal

Ratha Perumal

PhD candidate

  • Hourly paid lecturer


Ratha is an ex-lawyer working in higher education.

Alongside her ESRC-funded PhD, teaching at King’s and other scholarly activity, Ratha is employed in a part-time academic post at the University of East London. There, she has held Programme Director roles and worked on curriculum design and development, in both undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes.


An active researcher and educator, Ratha’s scholarly interests focus on aspects of educational inequity that produce disparities in attainment for different learner groups.  

Her doctoral work investigates the causes of the degree-award gap experienced by racially-minoritised students. Ratha’s PhD study deploys a Bourdieusian analysis of the gathered qualitative data, and is supervised by Dr Ayo Mansaray, Professor Meg Maguire and Dr Emma Towers.

Elsewhere, Ratha researches the elements of effective pedagogy that can support the progress and engagement of multilingual learners with English as an Additional Language.

For more information, visit Ratha's research profile.


women at wokr
Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.


ECS academics and PhD students to share their expertise at the 2023 BERA annual conference

Researchers from across the School of Education, Communication & Society (ECS) will be presenting papers, sharing research findings, and leading symposia and...

Sara Black speaking at event with audience members in the background.



#QUEERSCIENCEMAGIC: exploring issues of exclusion and participation for LGBTQ+ youth in science education

Liam Cini O’Dwyer will discuss the findings from a pilot study conducted for a PhD thesis exploring issues of exclusion and participation of queer youth in...

Please note: this event has passed.


women at wokr
Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)

The Centre for Public Policy Research is an interdisciplinary research centre research developing critical analyses of social change and social in/justice in education and other policy arenas, sectors and contexts to inform national and international policy debate, social activism, and personal, professional and organisational learning.


ECS academics and PhD students to share their expertise at the 2023 BERA annual conference

Researchers from across the School of Education, Communication & Society (ECS) will be presenting papers, sharing research findings, and leading symposia and...

Sara Black speaking at event with audience members in the background.



#QUEERSCIENCEMAGIC: exploring issues of exclusion and participation for LGBTQ+ youth in science education

Liam Cini O’Dwyer will discuss the findings from a pilot study conducted for a PhD thesis exploring issues of exclusion and participation of queer youth in...

Please note: this event has passed.