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Raphael is a PhD Candidate at the Department of War Studies, born in Campinas, Brazil. He received his MPhil in International Relations from the Interinstitutional Program San Tiago Dantas (São Paulo State University, Campinas State University and PUC-SP) in 2015; and received his bachelor’s degree in International Relations from São Paulo State University in 2012.

He has experience in the Brazilian government in National Defence, Policy Research, and Scenario Planning. Raphael worked as a Technical Advisor for National Defence at the Secretary of Strategic Affairs of the Brazilian Presidency (SAE/PR); as a Researcher at the governmental think tank Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea); and as a Research Coordinator at the Center for Strategic Studies of the Brazilian Army (CEEEx).

Raphael is a co-founder and secretariat member of the Military Innovation Network, affiliated with the Centre for Science & Security Studies (CSSS), and a researcher at the King's Latin American Security Research Group (LAS).

He also holds a PhD scholarship from Fundação Estudar – a national foundation aiming to support youth leaders to develop their careers and become effective agents of change in Brazil. In the past, he had scholarships and research grants from Brazil’s most influential research foundations, such as the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ), and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


  • Military innovation and diffusion
  • Civil-military relations
  • Latin American security
  • Brazilian foreign policy
  • Scenario-planning and foresight

Raphael’s thesis investigates the diffusion of the US-led post-Cold War military model – the transformation model – to Latin America. His study focuses on why and how the transformation model diffused to Brazil and Colombian armies during their army reform processes from the late 2000s onwards. He employs a comparative methodology to understand the rise and spread of the transformation model since the late 1990s, what elements of this military model diffused worldwide, and what were the organisational, domestic, and international outcomes of this diffusion in Brazil and Colombia.


Peer reviewed publications

Recent research articles

Edited books

  • Andrade, Lange, Medeiros and Lima (eds.) (2019). Contemporary Challenges to the Brazilian Army (in Portuguese).

Recent book chapters

Policy papers and reports

Please see Raphael's research profile for a full list of publications.


KBI Praça da Liberdade, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Diplomacy, security and defence

This research group asks how the Brazilian state manages its geopolitical situation, to craft its security, defence and foreign policies.

Latin American Security Research Group

The Latin American Security Research Group (LAS) gathers experts working on international relations, defence and security in Latin America.


Call for presentations: Doctoral and Early Career Research Workshop on Military & Defence Innovation

The Military Innovation Network invites doctoral students and early career researchers to submit presentations on issues affecting military innovation.

An illustration of Earth surrounded by a web of interconnected dots, symbolising global connectivity and communication.

PhD students to host military innovation and defence workshop at King's

Researchers are invited to present their work on military innovation at the workshop held in May.

Military Innovation



Climate, environment and security in the Amazon rainforest

This Roundtable will discuss the Amazon rainforest and its environment impacts the climate and geopolitics in Brazil.

Please note: this event has passed.


Scholarship opportunities for Brazilian students: the Líderes Estudar Programme

This event aims to present funding opportunities for Brazilian students who wish to study at King’s College London.

Please note: this event has passed.


Researching security and environmental challenges in the Amazon

Student Camille Bacha de Carvalho reflects on her transformative experience during a research trip to the Amazon Rainforest.

Aerial view of the Rio Negro river


KBI Praça da Liberdade, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Diplomacy, security and defence

This research group asks how the Brazilian state manages its geopolitical situation, to craft its security, defence and foreign policies.

Latin American Security Research Group

The Latin American Security Research Group (LAS) gathers experts working on international relations, defence and security in Latin America.


Call for presentations: Doctoral and Early Career Research Workshop on Military & Defence Innovation

The Military Innovation Network invites doctoral students and early career researchers to submit presentations on issues affecting military innovation.

An illustration of Earth surrounded by a web of interconnected dots, symbolising global connectivity and communication.

PhD students to host military innovation and defence workshop at King's

Researchers are invited to present their work on military innovation at the workshop held in May.

Military Innovation



Climate, environment and security in the Amazon rainforest

This Roundtable will discuss the Amazon rainforest and its environment impacts the climate and geopolitics in Brazil.

Please note: this event has passed.


Scholarship opportunities for Brazilian students: the Líderes Estudar Programme

This event aims to present funding opportunities for Brazilian students who wish to study at King’s College London.

Please note: this event has passed.


Researching security and environmental challenges in the Amazon

Student Camille Bacha de Carvalho reflects on her transformative experience during a research trip to the Amazon Rainforest.

Aerial view of the Rio Negro river