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Qiankun Wang

Research Associate

Research interests

  • Chemistry

Contact details


Dr. Qiankun Wang is a Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry, King’s College London. He earned his MSci in Physics from Soochow University, China in 2015, and later completed his PhD in Surface Physics at Humboldt University of Berlin in 2019, where he studied electronic properties at the inorganic/organic hybrid semiconductor interface. His exceptional research work during his PhD studies earned him the 2018 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.

Dr. Wang possesses extensive research experience in the field of surface science. Over the years, his research interests have focused on:

  • Surface and interface electronic properties and band structures.
  • Single-molecule transport/conductance properties.
  • Surface structural properties of organic molecules and 2D materials.

He has expertise in a range of surface characterization techniques, including X-ray/UV photoelectron spectroscopies (XPS/UPS), STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy), STM-BJ (Break Junction), and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy). Furthermore, he has substantial experience in data analysis, including machine learning and clustering, as well as theoretical modeling.

Research interests

  • Chirality induced spin selectivity properties in peptide
  • Temperature effects on the electron transport in chiral peptides
  • STM-BJ log amplifier fabrication and calibration


chemistry molecules - purple
Díez Pérez Group

The Díez Pérez Group focuses on understanding biological electron transport and transfer.


chemistry molecules - purple
Díez Pérez Group

The Díez Pérez Group focuses on understanding biological electron transport and transfer.