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Tobias Blanke

Professor Tobias Blanke

Professor in AI and Humanities


Tobias Blanke is University Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Humanities at the University of Amsterdam and the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation. He is also affiliated with King’s College London. His academic background is in computer science and political philosophy. Blanke’s principal research interests lie in artificial intelligence and big data devices for research, particularly in the human sciences. He has also published extensively on ethical questions of Artificial Intelligence such as predictive policing and algorithmic otherings, as well as critical digital practices, and the critique of digital platforms.

Research Interests and PhD Supervision

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Philosophy
  • Social and Cultural Analytics

Selected publications

  • Aradau, C. & Blanke, T., Algorithmic Reason: The new Government of Self and Other. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. (Winner ISA-STAIR award).
  • Blanke, T., Reassembling digital archives—strategies for counter-archiving. Nature Humanities Social Sciences Communications, 11, 201 (2024).
  • Blanke, T., & Aradau, C. (2021). Computational Genealogy: Continuities and Discontinuities in the Political Rhetoric of US Presidents. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 54(1), pp. 29–43.
  • Colavizza, G., Blanke, T., Jeurgens, C., & Noordegraaf, J. (2021). Archives and AI: An overview of current Debates and future Perspectives. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15(1), pp. 1–15.
  • Blanke, T., & Pybus, J. (2020). The Material Conditions of Platforms: Monopolization through Decentralization. Social Media & Society, 6(4).


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    Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)

    Explore research at King's through the Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)


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    Student Group Work

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    Strand Campus

    Dr Tobias Blanke talks big data with the Guardian

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      FoLP - technology - image
      Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)

      Explore research at King's through the Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society (TELOS)


      Students take part in data hackathon with experts and journalists

      The Department of Digital Humanities ran its first data journalism hackathon workshop

      Student Group Work

      Born-digital data project

      Funding of £32,210 has been awarded to the Institute of Historical Research for a project jointly led by Dr Tobias Blanke to investigate 'Born-digital data...

      Strand Campus

      Dr Tobias Blanke talks big data with the Guardian

      Dr Tobias Blanke from the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London has been talking to the Guardian today about his research project, Our...

      Young coders by Taavi Burns

      European Holocaust Research Infrastructure project receives €8 million grant

      A Holocaust research project involving King's academics has been awarded €8 million by the EU for a second phase of work
