Professor Javed Majeed
Professor of English and Comparative Literature
Research interests
- Literature
Contact details
From 1981 to 1984 Professor Javed Majeed read English Language and Literature at Magdalen College Oxford, in which he was awarded a First. After completing his DPhil at Oxford, he went on to a Smuts Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge, and a Research Fellowship in English Literature at Churchill College Cambridge from 1988 to 1992. The interdisciplinary combination of Area Studies with English Literature continues to inform his teaching and research. After teaching Comparative Literature and Urdu at SOAS, he moved to the School of English and Drama at Queen Mary, University of London, in 1999, where he became Professor of Postcolonial Studies in 2007. He joined King’s College London as Professor of English and Comparative Literature in January 2012.
Research Interests
- Colonial and postcolonial literatures in English
- Intellectual and cultural history of British India and postcolonial South Asia
- Religion, colonialism and postcolonialism
- Urdu literature, especially poetry
- Linguistic ideas, language and translation in colonial and postcolonial South Asia
For more details, please see his full research profile.
Empires and Decolonizations Research Hub
Aiming to bring together those at King’s interested in the history of empires, across all periods - ancient and modern.

Critical Economic and Political Thought
The group approaches the study of politics and economics from critical cultural perspectives including, but not limited to, history, literature, visual culture, performance and social activism.
Four King's academics elected as British Academy Fellows
The British Academy has elected four King’s academics as new Fellows

International Workshop on National Multilingualism reveals connections between Horn of Africa and South Asia
A two-day workshop, attended by scholars from multiple universities across the globe, revealed the challenges and opportunities created by multilingualism in...

Empires and Decolonizations Research Hub
Aiming to bring together those at King’s interested in the history of empires, across all periods - ancient and modern.

Critical Economic and Political Thought
The group approaches the study of politics and economics from critical cultural perspectives including, but not limited to, history, literature, visual culture, performance and social activism.
Four King's academics elected as British Academy Fellows
The British Academy has elected four King’s academics as new Fellows

International Workshop on National Multilingualism reveals connections between Horn of Africa and South Asia
A two-day workshop, attended by scholars from multiple universities across the globe, revealed the challenges and opportunities created by multilingualism in...