Professor Didier Bigo
Professor of War Studies
Research interests
- Conflict
- International relations
- Politics
- Security
Dr Didier Bigo is professor of International Political Sociology at Sciences-Po Paris-CERI, France. He is a part-time professor at King’s College London, Department of War Studies.
He is also Director of the Centre for Study of Conflicts, Liberty and Security (CCLS) and editor of the quarterly journal 'Cultures & Conflits' published by l'Harmattan.
He is one of the co-editor of PARISS (Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences) journal (Brill, 2019), as well as founder and previous co-editor with Rob Walker of the ISA journal International Political Sociology.
He has a PhD in political science on 'Le pouvoir personnel en Centrafrique', from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Research interests
- International Political Sociology: transversal lines, reframing the study of International Relations
- Epistemology and modalities of observation of field of practices
- Sociogenesis of academic institutions and forms of knowledge
- Transdisciplinary Approaches to (in)security studies: topics
- Democratic boundaries and Data Politics
- Freedom, Mobility, Prevention and Surveillance in the Digital Age
- Sociology of Border controls, Biometrics identifiers and Databases interoperability
- Human Rights and Antiterrorist policies: exploring suspicion and exception
- Travellers, Migrants and Refugees: transversal biographies
Current Research
- Didier Bigo is currently co-PI for France of the international ORA project GUARDINT : “Oversight and intelligence networks: Who guards the guardians?” 2019-2022.
- GUARDINT is the follow up of the FRP7 programme SOURCE on the professionals of societal security and the relations between freedom, security and technology (2013-2018), as well as the French ANR on surveillance after Snowden- UTIC (Juin 2014-Juin 2019). http://www.sciencespo.fr/ressources-numeriques/content/usage-des-technologies-liees-l-interception-des-communications
- Bigo Didier (2019): Data Politics edited by Didier Bigo, Engin Isin, Evelyn Ruppert- Routledge International Political Sociology
- Bigo Didier (2018) :Extraordinary Rendition: Addressing the Challenges of Accountability edited by Elspeth Guild, D Bigo, M Gibney - Routledge
- Bigo Didier (2017) Michel Foucault and International Relations edited by Didier Bigo, Philippe Bonditti, Frédéric Gros, Palgrave
- Bigo, Didier. (2016) International Political Sociology: Rethinking the International through dynamics of Power. In Transversal Lines, edited by Tugba Basaran, Didier Bigo, Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet and R. B. J. Walker: International Political Sociology series.
- Bigo Didier, Sergio Carrera, and Elspeth Guild (eds): (2013): Foreigners, Refugees or Minorities?: Rethinking People in the Context of Border Controls and Visas: London. Ashgate Publishing Company.
- Bigo, Didier. (16 April 2019): ‘Shared Secrecy in a Digital Age and a Transnational World’. Intelligence and National Security 34, no. 3 Bringing in the Public. Intelligence on the Frontier Between State and Civil Society. 379–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/02684527.2019.1553703.
- Bigo, Didier, et Emma Mc Cluskey. « What is a Paris approach? Deconstructing security ». In Oxford Handbook of International Security, édité par Alexandra Gheciu et Williams C Wolforth. Oxford U press, 2017.
- Bigo Didier. (2016)."Sociology of Transnational Guilds." International Political Sociology 10, no. 4: 398-416.
- Bigo, Didier. (2016). Rethinking Security at the crossroad of International Relations and Criminology. British Journal of Criminology, 56 (6): 1068-1086
- Z Bauman, D Bigo, P Esteves, E Guild, V Jabri, D Lyon… Repenser l'impact de la surveillance après l'affaire Snowden: sécurité nationale, droits de l'homme, démocratie, subjectivité et obéissance - Cultures & Conflits, 98- été 2015 p133-166. Translation and update of the collective article co-written by Zygmunt Bauman, Didier Bigo ,Paulo Esteves, Elspeth Guild,Vivienne Jabri,David Lyon and R. B. J. Walker : After Snowden: Rethinking the Impact of Surveillance International Political Sociology Volume 8, Issue 2, pages 121–144, June 2014. Translated also as "Após Snowden: Repensando o Impacto da Vigilância." Revista ECO-Pós 18 (2):8-35.
- Bigo Didier (2014): The (in)securitization practices of the three universes of EU border control: Military/Navy – border guards/police – database analysts in Security Dialogue, special issue Border security as practice: An agenda for research, edited by K Côté-Boucher, F Infantino, MB Salter. June 45-3 p 209-225. https: //doi.org/10.1177/0967010614530459

Research Centre in International Relations (RCIR)
The Research Centre in International Relations conducts research on practices of security and conflict, their transformation, and their social and political implications.

Research Centre in International Relations (RCIR)
The Research Centre in International Relations conducts research on practices of security and conflict, their transformation, and their social and political implications.